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1. Documentaries in Contrast(color of care and 76 days).This is a brief response extra credit assignment. You should bring in or point to content from each documentary to support your perspectives on

1. Documentaries in Contrast(color of care and 76 days).This is a brief response extra credit assignment. You should bring in or point to content from each documentary to support your perspectives on the following responses items.Each response should be approximately 300 words1) What is something that stood out to you in each documentary regarding the healthcare/govermental response to the COVID-19 outbreak in each nation?2) Do you feel that social factors - demographic presumptions - (e.g. ethnic/racial group, age, gender, rural/urban resident, etc.) made a difference on how people were treated in each country? Why or why not?3) If you were to contrast/compare each country (as depicted from the documentaries), what are important lessons/take-aways that are necessary when thinking about how to deal with epidemics in the future through healthcare practice/access?

2.Health Care Annotation (Upload the article and annotation selected regarding health care & COVID-19 within your selected country).SELECTED COUNTRY IS ITALY.

3.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding physical environment (natural and/or built) & COVID-19 within your selected country

4.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding social position (select among social capital, social support, & social exclusion) & COVID-19 within your selected country.

5.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding food insecurity & COVID-19 within your selected country

6.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding occupation & COVID-19 within your selected country.

7.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding education & COVID-19 within your selected country

8.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding housing insecurity & COVID-19 within your selected country

9.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding neighborhood factors & COVID-19 within your selected country.

10.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding income inequality & COVID-19 within your selected country.

11.Upload the article and annotation selected regarding discrimination (select one form of discrimination e.g. race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, able-bodiedness, etc.) & COVID-19 within your selected country. 

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Click here to download attached files: Color of Care and 76 Days.docx
Click here to download attached files: Food Insecurity.docx
Click here to download attached files: Occupation.docx
Click here to download attached files: Education.docx
Click here to download attached files: Social Position.docx
Click here to download attached files: Neighborhood Factors.docx
Click here to download attached files: Income Inequality.docx
Click here to download attached files: Gender Discrimination.docx
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