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Please read Chapter 27 and answer the following questions: "From the moment of its invention, photography threatened to expropriate the realistic image, until then the exclusive property of painting

Please read Chapter 27 and answer the following questions:

  1. "From the moment of its invention, photography threatened to expropriate the realistic image, until then the exclusive property of painting. " Please define this statement.

2. Chose ONE of the photographers and explain their importance to the development of early photography.

3. Napoleon chose Jacques-Louis David as First Painter and Antonio Canova as Sculpture for his Empire. Although these artists were neoclassicists, explain how they lead the way for Romanticism.

4. "The roots of Romanticism represented a shift in emphasis from reason to feeling, from calculation to intuition and from objective nature to subjective emotion." Choose a painting from each of the following artists and explain why it is the best example of Romanticism from that artist:

             1. John Henry Fuseli

             2. William Blake

             3. Francisco Goya

             4. Theodore Gericault

             5. Eugene Delacroix.

5. "Romantic painters often chose landscapes as an ideal subject to express the theme of the soul unified with the natural world". In your opinion, why do you think so many people related to landscape paintings during this time period? Use an example in your explanation.

6. Choose either a Gustave Courbet or a Jean-Francois Millet painting and describe why it depicts the Realism art movement.

7. Realism took hold quickly in the United States. Winslow Homer, Thomas Eakins and John Singer Sargent reflected the realities of human experiences in their paintings. Why did the people in America embrace their work? What was happening at that time in the US that made people want to see the realistic work of everyday people? Use two pieces of art as examples.

8. By the middle of the century, many architects had already abandoned sentimental and romantic designs in favor of exploring the possibilities of cast iron construction. Explain how the Gothic architectural tradition and the modern technology of the time merged together. Use a building as an example.

9. Edouard Manet was influential in the Realist movements, but lead the way for the development of Impressionism. Please explain the beginning of this transformation. Chose an artwork for your example.

10. The Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England is a brilliant example of how global architecture could mix with European Gothic and modern architectural technology. write a critique of the building and how it was mixed architecturally.

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