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Self-Reflection Using Hays ADDRESSING Model

your ability to work professionally with people of the same cultural backgrounds, as well as with people of As you analyze and resolve the ethical dilemma and discuss the multicultural issues within the case you have chosen that relates to your specialization, you should also be incorporating a self-reflection piece based on Hays (2008) ADDRESSING model. The components of ADDRESSING relate to aspects of diversity that might represent privilege in your culture, or might represent areas where people are in the multicultural minority. This is also a helpful model to address where people might have bias. For example, one of the Ds in ADDRESSING stands for Disability, R is for Religion, one S is for Sexual Orientation.

Because most of us have multifaceted cultural identities, you have likely experienced being in the cultural majority as well as the cultural minority, depending on the situation. One purpose of this exercise is to reflect on how your cultural memberships influence other cultural backgrounds, To get feedback on your writing and integration of this self-assessment and reflection for the final project paper, reflect upon and submit three of the ADDRESSING components and how you would address any bias you noted.

Other Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Format: Use current APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines.
  • Font: Arial, 10 point.
  • Length: 2–3 pages minimum, double-spaced, and excluding title page and reference list.
  • References: At least 2 scholarly sources.
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