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Literature Review and Descriptive Statistics

Roger Ince

University of Baltimore

PSYC308.101 Sp24

Dr. Shareese Williams

April 14, 2024

Literature Review and Descriptive Statistics


We performed survey research on Sternberg's (1986) Triangular Theory of Love to finish Lab 1. A study of the literature and an investigation of descriptive statistics based on the data collected are incorporated in the report. This lab report uses survey data to study Sternberg's (1986) Triangular Theory of Love. The primary emphasis was on how it relates to and applies to our comprehension of love in relationships. The study contains extra papers to boost our findings and an analysis of the literature that summarizes past studies. In addition, we evaluate the survey findings using descriptive statistics to access intuition into the experiences and opinions of the participants on love. The purpose of this paper is to improve our understanding of the intricacies and dynamics of love.

Literature Review

Understanding the complexity of love and relationships has been abetted by Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love. Affection, passion, and commitment are the three main components of love. Different blends of the elements result in various forms of love, companionate, consummate, and romantic. Investigations have authenticated Sternberg's theory, establishing its applicability to numerous cultural settings and interactive interactions. For instance, the examination has shown that relationships with all three components are most stable and fulfilling. Additionally, the theory has been used in therapeutic and psychotherapy settings to help people understand and circumnavigate their personal practices with relationships and love (Sternberg, 1986).

Apart from Sternberg's theory, other literary works reinforce the concept that love is an intricate and diverse phenomenon. In their 2001 argument on communication in relations, Agnew et al stress the importance of communication in nurturing and maintaining love. People may convey their desires, feelings, and needs through operative communication, stimulating intimacy and connection. Agnew, Loving, and Drigotas (2001) suggest that shared relationship effectiveness indicates that people's opinions of their ability to handle relationship complications may affect the quality of their love. Partners are most likely to feel safe and contented in their relationship when they believe in their mutual ability to solve challenges.

Descriptive Statistics

The survey information collected for the study sheds light on the practices and thoughts of the participants concerning love. The majority of respondents showed high levels of intimacy, according to the statistics, signifying a deep, passionate bond in their relationships. There was a difference in the respondents' scores for desire; some expressed excessive degrees of passion, whereas others testified lower levels. The majority of people displayed high levels of commitment, designating an aspiration to keep the relationship going in the long run. These results highlight the density of love and the worth of considering various aspects when examining romantic relationships.

These findings reinforce Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, which underscores the value of intimacy, passion, and commitment in love relationships. The theory's proposition that different people experience such components differently is revealed in the data's variety in passion scores. Moreover, the high commitment altitudes suggest a solid aspiration to maintain relations over time (Braida et al., 2023). Extra research could reinforce our conception of how these fundamentals interrelate and affect different association dynamics. The research provides substantial viewpoints on the intricacies of passionate relationships and underscores the need for sophisticated methods for understanding and promoting them.


Sternberg's Triangular Theory gives intuitive information concerning the nature of love in this extensive report founded on survey research. The literature study offers evidence for the theory's applicability and significance, and the descriptive statistics thoroughly investigate the participants' practices with love. The report advances our knowledge of the intricacies involved in love and relations. The results imply that people's experiences of love may vary and that love is a complex sensation that incorporates intimacy, passion, and commitment. Examining this domain may examine how different essentials, such as customs and individual experiences, influence the perception and demonstration of love.


Agnew, C. R., Loving, T. J., & Drigotas, S. M. (2001). Substituting the forest for the trees: Social networks and the prediction of romantic relationship state and fate. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(6), 1042–1057.

Braida, N., Matta, E., & Paccagnella, L. (2023). Loving in Consensual Non-Monogamies: Challenging the Validity of Sternberg’s Triangular Love Scale. Sexuality & Culture, 27(5), 1828-1847.

Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological Review, 93(2), 119-135.