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3-5 pages Choose 1 Mortgage Fraud prosecution and answer the following: Please provide a summary of the casePlease identify all legal statutes US DOJ applied to prosecute the casePlease highlight

3-5 pages

 Choose 1 Mortgage Fraud prosecution and answer the following: 

  1. Please provide a summary of the case
  2. Please identify all legal statutes US DOJ applied to prosecute the case
  3. Please highlight prevention techniques 

Prevention Strategies

•Implement and enforce official written Anti-Fraud policy and procedures: See the sample from ACFE.

•Implement a code of conduct (See the guideline from Queensland Government Australia)

•Implement Thorough employee fraud awareness training

•Enforce Rigorous hiring practices

•Enforce strict segregation of duties

•Enforce Clear-Cut Delegation of Authority

•Separate Bad Credit from Loan Fraud

  1. Please discuss which prevention/detection technique would have been effective in the case case and why

It is also encouraged that you use a proactive detection or prevention approach, l

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