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I have to make a marketing plan of around 2500-3000 word. And i need a marketing presentation PowerPoint and script so that I can make a 5 minutes presentation video. Both of them will be based on th

I have to make a marketing plan of around 2500-3000 word. And i need a marketing presentation PowerPoint and script so that  I can make a 5 minutes presentation video. Both of them will be based on the same topic. best buy canada . the instructions have been attached in the files.

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********* **** for ******** NameInstitutionCourse1 ********* SummaryMcDonald ** the ******* fast **** ************ ******** ** *** retail ******* and *** ****** ** sales *** ******* *** *** its operation ** **** *** ******* **** ********** *** firm is ********** and ** ** ***** growing ** * **** **** For *** ******* ** ****** *** ********* plan *** *** ************** of ********** in *** ********** ******* ******* ******** ** **** to *** *** *** ****** expansion ** the ******* *** ******** ***** **** *** *** five Ps ***** ******* ****** ********* ******* ***** plus ***** The ******* rely ** stronger ********* ****** **** *********** ********* ******** on resources for *** implementation ** *** ********* ************ ** *** ** *** ********* ***** ****** heavily ** *** advertisement *** ******* ****** ***** ** $12 ******* ** *** ************** Advertisement for kids plus *********** strategies ****** larger ******* ** *** ****** There *** challenges ***** the ******* ** ****** ***** *** alleged ** ** ******** more ** *** ************* *** ******* ******* *** **** had expensive ******** ***** *** ****** to the ****** of ******* ** ****** of ********* ********* ***** **** ** **** *** ************ challenges ** *** ******** of ***** **** ** ***** ********* **** threats from *********** *** ******* ** ********* ******** ** ******* ******* ***** ** *** ******** ** *** ******* ** the customers *** *** ****** growth2 ******* ******************* ** the fast food limited ******** restaurant ****** **** 35000 *********** ** **** *** ******* *** ******* ******* **** four ******* individuals *** ******* ** ******* ** ******* cust0omers on daily ***** ***** is great **** *** population for ****** ********* ** *** ********* ** *** **** 2014 *** ******* *** ******* ***** ** **** food restaurants ******** **** *** in ** ***** *** ******* ********** *** had *** ****** ***** *** company provides ******* **** ***** ********* fries *** mac sandwiches *** chicken ******* ********* ******* ******* **** ****** ***** **** ******* **** ****** **** ********* To ****** that ** connects **** international market *** ******* ******** local relevant **** *** **** For ******** ******** ** ***** ***** **** ***** ****** in ***** plus *** ***** ** ***** The **** *********** for *** ******* are ****** king **** ***** ***** *** opening ** *** ***** restaurant in the ***** *** ******* has ***** ** ********** **** *** internal philosophy ** ********* ** all costs This philosophy ***** that **** as **** ****** ** possible ** * **** **** ** *** **** ** *** ****** for the company ***** **** *** ****** being ****** ***** **** ***** ***** *** the ********** **** installed **** where **** restaurants ********* *** ***** opened ******* **** customers ***** results ** profits **** are ******** ****** *** ***** ***** ***** ******* expansion **** *** successful both ** ******* *** domestic ******* (John1995) **** company *** **** utilizing **** *** ********** ********* ******* ********** ***** *** ********* *** ****** leader ******* ********** of *** cash flow ***** **** ****** plus customer ******** ****** the ******* *** become * market ****** *** ******* *** ***** eat For **** marketing **** ** **** ******* ***** for *** company ** ***** ** ****** successful ** the ******* ********* ********* ********* *********** **** ****** include ******* customer’s *********** ** *** core of what they ** ********* ** *** ****** believing ** *** ****** ** the ******* ********* *** ******** ** ******* manner giving back to *** ********* ******* *** ******** ********** **** ******** to ******** ********* **** has ********* creating perfect culture *** ******* growthThrough *************** ** *** important ***** **** *********** ** customers *** highly valued by the ******* The ******* ********* ******* ** well ** **** *** always ********* in * manner which ** justified ******* ******* ***** ** the *********** with *** ones ** business *** company *** ******* *********** ** which *** *** partners ************* ******* ******* statement is ** ** ********* ******** ***** and *** ** *** *** drink The ********* *** *** ones that **** key ********* of *** ******* ********* *** ******* *** ******** ******* ********* ** ******* the ********** ** *** ******** **** indicates **** the ******* ** ******* ** exceed ******* **** ***** ** ******* *** **** ********** *** *** mission ********* *********** ****** ************* Favorite ***** *** *** customersü Exceeding expectationsOrganization’s ********** ******* ** *** ******* is commitment to the ********* which ** ************* by development ** respect ***** **** collaboration ******* the ********** and *** employees ************** *** ******* ******** a ***** ************ between *** ****** *** the ********* The company show ********** ** *** employees ******* ********* them in achieving ****** *** ******** development goals ** a result *** company ** ******** *** employees ** different functions ** *** hamburger ********** ** addition ** ******** a ******** working schedule *** ******** ********* achieve **** **** **************** planhttps://wwwmediafirecom/file/dhbrvfhnhfrik3y/McDonald+marketing+plandocx/filePowerpoint *************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************

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