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Write a 5 pages paper on illegal immigrants in the united states. This author supplied the reactions to the issues and historical circumstances brought up in the other articles about immigration and r

Write a 5 pages paper on illegal immigrants in the united states. This author supplied the reactions to the issues and historical circumstances brought up in the other articles about immigration and racism. Whether one agrees with individual commentary on racism or not, it can still be recognized as an important part of the assimilation of knowledge, which is strongly represented in this writer’s article. There was a lot of attention paid, in my estimation after reading the article, which was made available to me, to blending content from the secondary sources with content from the author’s personal opinion, which can be of value to the report.

This author argues ethnocentrism has affected immigration by creating an atmosphere in which one group’s, usually the majority’s, stereotypes of out-groups are used as functions of political legitimacy that targets immigrants based on their race or ethnicity rather than as individuals. As this source states, “it is not legitimate to deny to foreign citizens the constitutional rights of due process and political freedoms, as these rights do not turn on citizenship, but on personhood” (Cole, 2002, p. 953). This rationale is of value to the proposed report.

This article looks at the history of xenophobia against illegal immigrants. “Americans are so used to thinking about foreigners as either a poison or a cure for the diseased national body that they are poorly prepared to think about them simply as persons. This.. is captured by the dehumanizing American term for foreigners- ‘alien’” (Honig, 2002). Many groups have been subjected to this official term throughout US history.

This author notes how race and ethnicity involve superficial and cultural aspects of the individual, such as whether they are black, white, Hispanic, etc., and where they are from. Assimilation is a theory of what should happen to culture in a new country.

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