assignment to complete

  1. Reflecting on our relationships with more-than-human beings and the world. (200-300 words)

What is YOUR human-nature relationship? What are your personal ideas and beliefs about nature? How are your personal beliefs and ideas shaped by your cultural worldview?

  1. Essay (Part A)

Choose ONE of the religions or an indigenous cultural tradition and examine its environmental ethics. 

Approximate length: 1,200 – 1,500 words

  • Use any referencing style you choose, but be sure you are consistent. If you do not know a particular style, then follow that used in the textbook.

  • You should use 3 additional peer-reviewed sources from any scholarly journals or other primary sources. You may want to use our UM Library One Stop Search to find these sources. 

  • You may also want to consider the significance of thesis statement in your essay

Part B

Provide your reasoned opinion of the following statement

All of our human actions are to be understood primarily if not exclusively with reference to the physical world of climate, landforms, soils, and vegetation.

This statement is worth 3 marks.

About 300 words.

There is no correct answer; rather you are being asked for your opinion. There is no need to try and agree with a particular source material such as the text or this course material.

As this is a statement of your opinion, references are not necessary.

Check your spelling and grammar carefully.

Part C

Provide a factual statement on the following topic

Environmental problems in any country of your choice

This statement is worth 2 marks.

Provide about one page of information.

Use maps, tables, and figures if appropriate; your writing may be limited to only a few sentences.

Provide a reference to the principal source used. If you are stating what you know rather than using a specific source, then please say so.

Alternatively, you may approach this assignment through a creative and arts-based method. This means that your essay or opinion or factual statement does not have to be in a narrative format; these learning activities can be expressed and represented in any format and through any medium (e.g., your own self-authored poem, free verse, visual art, collage, recorded dance, spoken word, play, etc; it is up to you how to express your new knowledge/understanding and how to represent it).