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Prepare a research paper that defines and discusses software as a service. Explain advantages and disadvantages of the software as a service. Companies leverage SaaS solutions to eliminate the need to

Prepare a research paper that defines and discusses software as a service. Explain advantages and disadvantages of the software as a service.

Companies leverage SaaS solutions to eliminate the need to house and administer an equivalent on-premise solution. was one of the companies to leverage the power of the cloud. Discuss the features provides that are well suited for companies large and small and why the Salesforce solution was well suited for the cloud.

Research Paper Requirements:  

  • Paper should be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Assignment must be submitted by the due date (Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST). Late assignments will not be accepted.
  • Use Times New Roman, size 12 font throughout the paper.
  • Apply APA 7th edition style and include three major sections: the Title Page, Main Body, and References. See the Paper Elements and Format section of your APA manual for details.
  • A minimum of two scholarly journal articles (besides your textbook) are required. See UC Library Tutorials.
  • Writing should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the materials and address all required elements.
  • Writing should use exceptional language that skillfully communicates meaning to the readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free.
  • Save as a Word document.
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