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2-2 Discussion: Carl Rogers and Person-Centered Therapy In 1965, a company called Educational and Psychological Films produced a series of therapy vignettes called "the Gloria Tapes," featuring the

2-2 Discussion: Carl Rogers and Person-Centered Therapy 

In 1965, a company called Educational and Psychological Films produced a series of therapy vignettes called "the Gloria Tapes," featuring the same woman, Gloria, in therapy sessions with the founders of three important psychotherapeutic approaches: Carl Rogers (client centered), Fritz Perls (Gestalt), and Albert Ellis (rational emotive).

For this discussion, first watch the PSY-315: Carl Rogers Explains Person Centered Therapy - Part 1 (CC) video.

Then watch the PSY-315: Carl Rogers and Gloria Counselling - Part 2 (CC) video.

After viewing, please answer the following questions:

  • Identify and describe the basic counseling strategies that you see Carl Rogers using with Gloria.
  • In your assessment, how effective were these techniques in beginning this therapeutic alliance?
  • Please be sure to ask questions and comment on your peers' responses, and respond to their questions and comments regarding your own response.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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