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Greetings looking for some one to do my discussion post Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the cl

Greetings looking for some one to do my discussion post

Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class.

1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references. Research must be done in the library using JSTOR database or other sources that are creditable.

Pick one historical figure or group on the list provided--each of these people or groups are connected to African American Military History  from 1860 to1865. historical group will be: 25th USCT: The Sable Sons of Uncle Abe

Tell the class the history of this person(s) or units as it relates to African American Military History and remember to cite where you found your information. Also read two of your peers Soldier discussions and comment on the units or people they chose in comparison to the ones your wrote about.

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