Hi I have attached an assignment for you to work on please take a look on MSWord

LAS 432 Group F User 1

Week 2 Topic Selection and Proposal 2021-03-14

Final Topic Selection

Our team has decided to present the Smog Tower project. Air pollution has become a real problem in many countries. Technology is playing a major role in finding a way to clean that pollution from the air. Countries such as China, India and Mexico placing these air purifiers in key public locations. Air purifiers have become more and more popular as a filtering system to cleaning the air of harmful pollutants in our homes and businesses. Smog towers are a giant version of these air purifiers intended to solution our outdoor pollution issues.

Major Ethical Concerns

While utilizing technology to correct the existing problem sounds like a path forward, the question is how do we correct the root of the problem? Placing filters to clean the pollution after it is in the air, is just placing a band aid on the real problem.

  • What are the societal impacts of this technology?

  • Should we be more focused on reducing air pollution at its source?

  • Is the Smog Tower technology effective?

Potential Thesis

If one draws only one conclusion from smog towers is that previous attempts at removing pollution from air, it is that it is far, far easier to come up with technologies and schemes that stop harmful emissions at source, rather than to try to capture the resulting pollution once it is free in the air.” – Beth Daly


This quote encompasses the full concepts of our tentative thesis statement. We will need to write in our own words.

Potential Subtopics and Responsible Team Member
  1. General air pollution information. It is important to know facts and statistics on types of pollution, amounts in the specific areas for comparison, and similar information.

  2. Technology behind the Smog Tower. What pollutants are removed form the air? What materials are used in its construction? What is the science and engineering behind the technology?

  3. User 1 - How can this technology be effective in countries such as China, India and The United States? This subtopic should apply the pollution and Smog Tower technology information and evaluate its effectiveness.

  4. User1 – How can we do better to outcome the environmental problem in China and India with smog tower purifier Since it isn’t super-efficient and have so any drawbacks.

Individual Reflection

As a Presentation Chair - I will be responsible and place all the draft documents into a single file and update them accordingly. As we’ve been brainstorming all the possible topic and sub-topic in the Discord communication app, and finally came to a verdict, we should be start doing R&D from next week and get the work done on time.

User 1 -My Sub-Topic would be, why having a smog tower can be dangerous or harmful for countries like China and India? Also, how the Smog is formed? How smog is bad for the environment overall?, How can we improve the environmental Hygiene with Smog Tower?

LAS432 Team Charter

Team Name: Group F

Topic: Air Pollution

Group Members and Contact Information (Required: E-mail; Optional: Phone Number):

Presentation (Co)Chair: User1

The Presentation Chair (or co-chairs) is/are responsible for placing all slide drafts in a single document and reviewing formatting. They are not responsible for completing the presentation beyond their section assignments or correcting errors.

group. As a team member, I have the right to discuss issues relating to workload, communication, and the development and success of the project.