Instructions Please see attached instructions. Each week, you will be asked to submit various components for review; however the final project is not due until Week 7 of this term. Week 2: Name/Type




Taken from Human Resource Management

Authors: Milkovich/Boudreau

Eighth Edition – 1997

In class use only

Imagine that your family has encouraged you to open a new place of business…say an ice-cream shop to sell the delicious vanilla ice cream that you make so well along with a few other flavors. You will hire employees (to churn, freeze, and pack the ice cream and deliver it to your shop where other employees will scoop t out, embellish it, and serve it to hordes of customers.) Congratulations! You are now so successful that you need to hire an accountant and a financial planner, as well as plant managers and shop managers, so that you will be free to manage human resources, which is, after all, a lot more fun. How will you structure your organization? Egalitarian structures have fewer levels and small pay differentials between adjacent levels and between the highest-paid (you) and lowest-paid workers. Maybe two levels will be sufficient: you and everyone else. Hierarchical structures have more levels and greater differentials. Perhaps there is a senior management level, management level, supervisory level, and so forth.

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For your New Business Employee Handbook Project, you are to create a “new business” of your own. You may use the above example, or go completely in your own direction. You have been given unlimited funds for start-up – so be creative!! You will need to provide a “New Employee Handbook” for your employees following the project components listed below. Be sure to sketch your organizational structure, pay structure, job structure, etc. Make it as interesting and realistic as possible with your unlimited budget. Then develop an Employee Benefit Package for your employees, including any incentives you wish to add. Add a Job Description for one of your positions, along with an Evaluation Form for performance. Be sure to include some opportunities for training in this new position, as well as development workshops, etc. for future advancement. Conclude your handbook with Ethical Expectations and contact information.

Final Project Components: You will be graded on all components, along with writing mechanics.

Cover Page New Business Name, your name, and date

Introduction Name & Type of Business; Company Background; etc.

Component #1 Mission/Vision/Values

Component #2 Organizational Structure/Chart

Component #3 Wage Structure

Component #4 Employee Benefits

Component #5 Job Description (sample for one of the new positions)

Component #6 Performance Evaluation Form

Component #7 Training and Development Opportunities

Component #8 Ethical Expectations & Contact Information

Writing Mechanics Sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.