Comparison Paper Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write a paper that compares the similarities and differences of two items or processes related to your major or career in t

ENG 1301 Unit III: Comparative Essay : Choosing a Topic Your topic should address two things that are at least somewhat alike but also have differences; however, the two elements you write about shouldn’t be SO different that there is no relevant comparison. First, decide if you want to write about an issue related to your career or to your major field of study (your major may be related to your career, of course). Then, think about some of the relevant issues related to your field or some of the choices that someone in your field might make. For instance, w ithin the field of writing education, a few relevant comparisons are teaching online vs. teaching in a brick -and -mortar environment or teaching Composition courses vs. teaching Literature courses. Some comparisons you might consider are as follows: • Differe nt disciplines within the same field • Equipment/apparatus choices • Scheduling differences • Different leadership positions within a particular field/career These are just some examples of the types of comparisons you might choose to make in this paper. Avoid choosing topics that are too subjective or that you’d struggle to write about in an objective manner (hot -button political topics, overly personal topics, etc.).