

Member since: August, 2021

Areas of expertise: BiologyBusiness & FinanceGeographyHealth & MedicalLiteratureManagement


About me:

I have a bachelors degree in economics and finance which i took under Kenyatta University .I am currently undertaking a diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery under Kenya Medical Training College which was slightly affected by Covid pandemic. My hobbies include reading and playing football. I still plan on engaging in the study of many other principles in the near future.

After five years of writing experience I have acquired several skills .The exposure has allowed me to vastly explore Microsoft tools such as word , excel and access. I dedicate myself to to delivering the best essays with utmost consideration of timeliness , quality , authenticity and originality. I always focus on work completion alongside delivering well crafted texts within the specified deadlines.

Customer satisfaction is very key in writing and thus I strive to encourage imagination and understanding in order to deliver the best custom writing tailored to the client's needs .I give room for proof reading and revision thus creating a friendly environment with my clients. Most of the clients hand me more assignments afterwards because I build trust with every essay handed.

Besides that, I have an extraordinary ability to work on multiple subjects at the same time and with remarkable results. The subjects include ; biology, business, medicine and health, geography, finance and economics .

I ensure my clients get plagiarism free essays that meet specifications provided and the best grammatical standards.
I thoroughly research the assigned topics and give credible citations . I am also conversant with all formating styles ;APA , MLA , havard and chicago.

I am your guy , choose me and let's get the ranking up. Thank you.
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    Posted: 2022-03-08

    “Wow !!!! My paper was written before the deadline and was perfectly written. Thank you again.”

    Posted: 2021-08-29
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