Reviews about Tutor: 57 reviews

“right on time, exactly what i needed. Until next time.”

“Writer accepted a Graduate level design project for $666.70 but unfortunately was not able to complete even closely to Graduate level standards. I do not believe the writer had the proper software needed for graphics/design work although the writer did indeed confirm that they could handle the project before I accepted. The writer was not able to complete even 3 hours after the given deadline and then cited that they had software editing problems and were not able to save revisions and upload. I believe the writer was more interested in the chance to get a $666.70 project in hope that I would be satisfied with simple high school level copy/paste work. The writer has an excellent feedback record and I am guessing they do excellent paper writing work, however my project was strictly for graphic/design work (no paper writing) as I clearly stated and confirmed before the project was accepted. The writer might have also been overwhelmed with other orders as they had 56 other "orders in process" at the same time as mine. Writer was always polite, just could not handle this type of project.”

“always perfect, made an A on all papers so far!!! thanks a million for excellent work!!”

“great work as usual”

“Super fast tutor! Thank you!!!”

“The writer was very good and helpful. Thank you :)”

“brilliant staff! thank you very much. Very professional.”

“Great paper. Thanks for the help. The paper was flawless.”

“It's great! Thank you!”

“Great work, it was nice working with him. ( Highly recommended )”