Kishor singh

Kishor singh

Member since: January, 2017

Areas of expertise: Engineering


About me:

Let me start off by saying that writing essays isn’t really my cup of tea. I find it really difficult to begin as there are so many different ways to do it. I can start with, “One day…” but then it would be too common. Finding the right way to start a composition, for me, is the most taxing thing in the world to do.

Then, there’s also the problem of choosing which items to include and disregard. If the limit of words is four hundred then I must choose the words carefully. Otherwise, I might go over without getting my message across. Do you understand my dilemma?

You might find this weird coming from someone who makes students write their stories. If they would only find out then that would make me the laughing-stock of the whole school.

I won’t waste your time anymore with this senseless talk and start with what I’m supposed to write about.

Everything started one Monday morning in November of 1975. This was when I made my entry to this world. I believe I made my parents really happy just by being here.
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