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Qua litative Critical Appraisal Exerci se Rubric This assignment requires you to read a research study (noted in the module) and evaluate it for the research process conducted by the authors. This assignment is worth 100 points (75 points for “Topics to be Discussed” and 25 points for “Scholarly Writing”. This assignment does not have a word/page minimum or limit. Your responsibilities include: 1. Locate (from the Library’s database) and print the research study. 2. Read the research study. 3. Evaluate the research according to the rubric listed below. Use the text and lecture for appropriate research methods. 4. Topics to be Discussed and Scholarly Writing are expected to be represented in your paper. 5. Compose your paper. Use APA formatting. Submit your paper to Smarth inking for feedback prior to submitting your assignment to the appropriate drop box . Excellent : 5 Points : Answer (s) are 100% correct Average : 3 points : Answers (s) are 75% correct Needs Improvement : 1 points : Answer (s) are 50 % correct Not Acceptable : 0 points : Answers (s) are 25 % correct Excellent t n e l l e c x E Average A Needs Improvement Not Acceptable No Topics to b e Discussed 5 3 1 0 Statement of the Problem 1. Discuss/describe the phenomenon of interest, problem, and or purpose (one paragraph) . Literature Review 2. Evaluate and explain the literature review presented in the research study. Does the literature review provide a strong support of evidence about the research problem? Please explain (one paragraph) . Method Protection of Participants Rights 3. Compare the recommended methods for protecting participants rights to what the researchers used in the study. Use you text book to find reco mmended methods for protecting participants. Please include in the discussion the topics of informed consents and use of an Institutional Review Board (one paragraph). Research Design 4. Discuss characteristics of a qualitative design (please d escribe with a minimum of five supporting details). 5. Describe the design used in this study. Please include an analysis of the design and discuss if it is congruent with the design as described by your text. (Question 4 & 5 can be discussed in on e paragraph) Population and Sample 6. Discuss the population identified . 7. Define saturation. How is saturation achieved? Discuss how the author reached saturation. (Question 6 & 7 can be discussed in one paragraph) Data Collection and Measurement 8. Discuss methods presented by Houser (201 5) for data collection and measurement in qualitative research (please describe with a minimum of three supporting details) 9. Compare methods used for data collection and measurement by th e author with methods presented by Houser (201 5). (Question 8 & 9 can be discussed in one paragraph) Result : Data Analysis/Rigor 10 . Describe data analysis procedures for qualitative research (Please provide three supporting details) 11 . Discuss the author’s data analysis procedures. Were the correct procedures conducted (Question 10 & 11 can be discussed in one paragraph) ? 12 . Did the author discuss trustworthiness of the data (and analysis)? How would trustworthiness be established? 13 . What is triangulation? Did the author discuss triangulation (Question 12 & 13 can be discussed in one paragraph) ? Findings 14 . Discuss the research findings. Did the author use tables and figures? Were they easy to understand? (one p aragraph) Discussion Implications/Recommendations 15 . Discuss the implications of the study for clinic al practice or further research. Discuss how the research findings could contribute to nursing practice (one paragraph) 75 total points po ssible (25 questions worth 5 points each) Scholarly Writing Requirements APA Formatting: Title Page: Running head, title, author name, college, and page number. Body of Paper: Citations, use of headers (level one, two, and three ). Reference Page: Sources within the past 5 years. *Refere nces are expected to be used in this pa per. If citations are not used within the paper and/or the reference list is inconsistent when com pared to citations in the paper, the grade may resu lt in a “0” due to plagiarism. See Syllabus regarding Plagiarism. Please review plagiarism guidelines listed in the APA text. Grammar, Spelling/ Neatness Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 4 errors. Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 7 errors. Uses some correct grammar, spellin g, and punctuation. More than 10 errors . Multiple grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes: More than 11 errors Excellent Average Needs Improvement Not Acceptable Points Excellent: 5 points Average: 3 points Needs Improvement: 1 point Not Acceptable: 0 points 5 3 1 0 APA Title Page Running head, title, author name, college, and page number. Less than two errors . Running head, title, author n ame, colleg e, and page number. Less than three err ors . Running head, title, author name, college, and page number . More than 4 errors. Multiple errors on title page:

More than 4. Points Excellent: 5 points Average: 3 points Needs Improvement: 1 point Not Acceptable: 0 points APA Body of Pape r Body of Paper: U se level headers: one, two, and three. Citation/APA formatting correc t. Less than 3 errors. Body of Pap er: U se level headers: one, two, and three. Citation/APA formatting correc t. Less than 6 errors. Body of Paper: U se level headers, one, two, and three. Citation/APA formatting correc t. More than 6 errors. Multiple errors : incorrect use of level of headers and no citation. Points Excellent: 5 points Average: 3 points Needs Improvement: 1 point Not Acceptable:

0 points Refere nce Page Reference page (s) follows APA formatting & all references are listed.

At least one scholarly article along with a minimum of three references correctly cited. Less than 3 errors. Reference page (s) following APA formatting & all references are li sted. At least one scholarly article along with with a minimum of three references correctly cited. Less than 6 errors. Reference page (s) following APA formatting & all references are listed.

At least one scholarly article should be used, with a minimum o f three references correctly cited. More than 6 errors. No reference page. Points Excellent: 5 points Average: 3 points Needs Improvement: 1 point Not Acceptable: 0 points Critical Thinking All Information clearly relates to the main topic, it includes several supporting details and/or examples. Enhances the critical thinking process throughout assignment by analyzing content and exploring alternatives/options. 75% of i nformation clearly relates to the main topic, it includes several supportin g details and/or examples.

Enhances the critical thinking process throughout assignment by analyzing content and exploring alternatives/options. 50% of i nformation clearly relates to the main topic, it includes several supporting details and/or examples. Enhances the critical thinking process throughout assignment by analyzing content and exploring alternatives/options . More than 6 errors. Information does not relate to the topic and does not demonstrate thinking critically about the discussion topic. Points Possible: Excellent: 5 points Average: 3 points Needs Improvement: 1 point Not Acceptable: 0 points TOTAL: