Could anyone help out? For "The Telephone" Write a one-page summary and response 

First, watch the following videos.

Then, pick 1 of the prompts below. Provide a thorough initial post. You must provide at least 2 citations from course materials using proper ASA citation. You also need to underline your main point. Be sure to provide the prompt in your answer. See below for the mechanical requirements.Your post needs a unique title.

  1. How is gender identity learned? Your answer must include a discussion of gender role socialization and the influence of agents of socialization and/or social institutions. I chose number 1 for discussion.

  2. Then, provide a discussion of how society is gendered and the implications of such an arrangement. You must use one of the theoretical perspectives in your analysis (be sure to be clear which perspective you are using).

  3. Discuss the implications of gender socialization as is described in the Butterfly Face Paint tattoo tweets. Provide a discussion of how this type of gender role socialization perpetuates heteronormativity and homophobia in our society.


Mechanical Requirements:

  1. Your answers must be in short paragraph format (5-7 sentences), must include a main point that is underlined, and at least two references from course materials (properly cited in ASA format).

  2. Typed, Times New Roman, 12 pt font

  3. Spelling/grammar checked

  4. Answers must be in complete sentences

  5. You must use sociological language in order to earn full points.


Many people exhibit physical characteristics that we presume to belong to the "opposite" sex (Witt 2016:271). This is my main point.

Gender socialization is the process of learning social expectations of one’s sex (Witt 2016:272). This is my main point.

Mothers react differently according to the sex of their infant, such as talking, touching, and kissing. As children grow, male-female differences continue to be reinforced through actions (Witt 2016: 273). This is my main point.