The written research proposal will be created based on a narrowly defined aspect of the topic selected in Week One. A research proposal is a detailed plan for a specific study to be conducted at a fut


The Research and Critique a Qualitative Study

Heather Yant

PSY 635 Research Design and Methods
Instructor: Mary Kraft


The Research and Critique a Qualitative Study

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a problem in social and communicative function and restricted patterns of behaviors with onset in the early developmental period. Anorexia nervosa usually develops during adolescence or early adulthood. Kinnaird, Norton, & Tchanturia, (2017) used a quantitative study to evaluate anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorder comorbidity. The method utilized in this qualitative study include an interview with the focus group. Researcher spends more time designing interview question designed to generate participant's perspectives about ideas, opinions, and experiences. The sample size utilized by clinician conducting qualitative research on anorexia nervosa and autism disorder comorbidity include is 9. Observation of the study was performed using thematic analysis.

A recent study of individuals with anorexia and ASD identified trait with longstanding neurodevelopmental difficulties, confirming a substantial overlap in some individual between the two disorders. The research study will address several areas about how clinician would react if the patients under research are said to have anorexia or ASD traits. Additionally, the analysis will contain specific issues that clinician faces when treating, comorbid ASD and AN. Finally, the research study will outline treatment techniques that are effective when managing comorbid ASD and AN. The method of the research takes on includes qualitative designs employ a semi-structured interview which lets the therapist encounter managing people with comorbid anorexia and ASD.

Method of study

Semi-structured interview methods combine a predetermined set of question that arises out of the discussion which helps the clinician to understand the concepts better or a better way of exploring particular themes or response further. The study was approved by South London and Maudsley NHS trust governance committee. The individuals in this qualitative research came and chosen or recruited from South London NHS Foundation Trust Eating disorder services outpatients and daycare options (Kinnaird, Norton, & Tchanturia, 2017). All the participants in the research were working with outpatients team treating adults with EDs. Ten clinicians invited to patriciate, only nine agreed. One did not feel comfortable discussing the topic. Therefore, was not included in the sample size.

The clinician who took part in the research study had wide ranges of experiences in the clinical matters. The group used sample size composed of female clinicians. The participants were supposed to offer their consents before the research began. Ethical standards in psychology require the researcher to ask the individual under study the permission to proceed with the investigation. The participants should be of the ages needed to grant consents. Failure to observe this procedure research may be said to have violated the ethical standards. The permission given in this case was in the form of writing which can be preserved as evidence, in fact, one of the participants happens to say she was not requested or informed about the research.

The interview was informed of a semi-structured open question. Semi-structured question is those question which may arise during the discussion therefore not all question are written as in structured form. The interview was conducted by two individuals; one had a rich background in nursing and EDs while the other was a team leader for the outpatients ED team. The interview approximately ttok 20 minutes and no repeat interview were conducted (Kinnaird, Norton, & Tchanturia, 2017). The interviews audio recorded and transcribed. The information established the participants was removed at the point of inscription. The interviewer also included some field notes while gathering data. The audio recordings did not get returned to the indidvuals.

Data analysis

The data collected was analyzed using thematic analysis which aims at identifying relevant patterns in the data. The authors read the data to compare familiarity with the data. The data later interpreted and coded line by line (Kinnaird, Norton, & Tchanturia, 2017). The coding frame was based on the therapist perception, and it was examined and put into keys themes, and summarized in the results section. The researchers later met, to check whether the issues correlate.


The participants who reveal to answer a question the way it was supposed to be solved were retained in the analysis. The research revealed that the participant lack confidence or experiences dealing with issues of ASD. Sixty Percent of the participants admit that they lack experience or confidence in dealing with ASD. The participants show that when dealing with matters of ASD, the first reaction is to look for more information on the subjects through an online platform, books, clinicians also represented getting additonal help from experienced senior members of the treatment team. The research indicates that all participants were not sure who to ask for more information about the case.


The qualitative research fails to prove whether clinicians have a problem while assessing patients with comorbid AN and ASD. The results reveal that treatments modification appears to be the results of therapist experiences and knowledge instead of representing standardized method. A more standard approach would help in offering adequate treatment to the patients especially to a clinician who are lack experiences on the field.

Evaluation of published qualitative research

Systematic mix studies review combined data and results across quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The researcher should know how to integrate the quantitative and qualitative mixed methods to achieve adequate results. The researcher should synthesize results across a series of paper using different ways rather than using single methods paper. The researcher should be well knowledgeable while entering to this field of research and should be ready to explore the entrant literature systematically to gain a comprehensive understanding of the area (Frantzen, & Fetters, 2016). The researcher in this case of evaluating anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorder comorbidity used only one method of conducting research, but the results were more effective because the participants in the group sampling all had a rich background in nursing. Therefore, the researcher was analyzing other clinicians view about ASD to identify where the problem lies while offering effective treatments method.

Potential biases and ethical issues

The researcher did not address all bias because the research was conducted including only female clinician. Therefore, the researcher failed to include some men clinician so that the results may not be biased. According to the results of the researcher, one can conclude that because all participants where female then it means that all female clinicians are not confident on whatever methods to use while faced with ASD but men can figure out a solution when faced with the same problem. On the other hand, the researcher observed all ethical measures needed to be put in place by ensuring all participants have offered their consents before participating in the research. Also, the researcher did not include the name of the participant while recording the audio; this means that the researcher acted by ethical requirements..


Kinnaird, E., Norton, C., & Tchanturia, K. (2017). Clinicians’ views on working with anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorder comorbidity: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry17(1), 292.

Frantzen, K. K., & Fetters, M. D. (2016). Meta-integration for synthesizing data in a systematic mixed studies review: insights from research on autism spectrum disorder. Quality & Quantity50(5), 2251-2277.

Pope, K. S., & Vetter, V. A. (1992). Ethical dilemmas encountered by members of the American Psychological Association: A national survey. American Psychologist47(3), 397.