The written research proposal will be created based on a narrowly defined aspect of the topic selected in Week One. A research proposal is a detailed plan for a specific study to be conducted at a fut


Research Methods Literature Review

Heather Yant

PSY 635 Research Design and Methods
Instructor: Mary Kraft


Research Methods Literature Review

Qualitative and quantitative research design encountered in the course

There are many research methods encountered in this course so far. Those research methods include interaction between the researchers and individual who are being studied. For example, the first article sample children with autism disorders and availed a questionnaire for parents. The in-depth interview was conducted to evaluate the methodology used by many parents with children suffering from autism disorders. Several statistical methods were employed to arrive at the data used in conducting sample size and regression analysis. Other quantitative methods include experimental research study method used to identifying evidence-based, focused intervention practices for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. Finally, other methods include employed experimental group design, quasi-experimental design.

Brief Explanation of developmental disorders in children:

Developmental disability or disorders in children include early developmental disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders in children, autism spectrum disorders, genetic disorders, dyslexia, brain impairments activity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders(ADHD), Learning and communication disabilities, cerebral palsy, language impairments, vision impairments and mental disabilities(Kauffman, 1997).These disorders exhibit a wide range of psychological and physical deficit in children. Study of children disorder is essential because it equips psychologist with relevant knowledge that can be applied in analyzing children disability. Also, the research offers some insights of various changes experience in small children and practical measures that can be used to facilitate effective parenting methods.

Applying scientific Method: Specific research question and hypothesis for the Topic

The scientific methods is a standard way of making an observation, gathering information data, forming theories, testing prediction and interpreting results. The scientific method used study topic of language development in children and effect or sensory deprivation on behavior. The research encompasses the scientific, testable models and methods to conduct the investigation (Vorobyeva, & Ermakov, 2015). Compelling scientific research includes the following terms which are used to explain the topic under discussion. The conditions include participants, sample, and population. Participants are individuals who take part in the research. An example consists of a collection of participants in the case observation and community includes a selection of participants grouped as a sample population.

The purpose of the research is to find ways of measuring and describing behavior, to understand why, when, how events occur and lastly the research will entail applying knowledge to solve the real world problem. The research method involved in this case includes observational research, the pretest-posttest control group, ethnography and explanatory.

Observation methods

The observation method is categorized into two that is naturalistic observation and laboratory observation. The observation method is applied when researchers view participants' in their natural environment. The laboratory observation can be used to see in a laboratory setting and results acquired said to be more meaningful because of the research that those observed in naturalistic observation. The naturalistic observation results can be more applied in a real-time setting that laboratory results. The research questions which may arise include the following, first, “how is this method used? This method will help in explaining some symptom observed in children experiencing a developmental disability.

Pretest-posttest control group

Pretest-posttest design is an experiment conducted in an experiment before and after treatment. Pre-test post control group design is called the classic controlled experimental design. This method works by assigning participants treatments group and buy administering pre-test to the treatments group. This research method will help to examine and explain the results of the research method.


Ethnography is applied to study culture and the approach used includes participant’s observation. These methods are no preset limiting of what will be observed in developmental disability in children.


Explanatory research is applied to a problem which was not well researched before, demand priorities generate operational definition and provide a better-researched model. This method is used to examine an issue which was not studied previously in depth.

Evaluation of chosen peer-reviewed articles

The peer review article about Administering Quantitative Instruments with Qualitative Interview approach authored by Rebecca explains how collecting quantitative data via psychometrically sound quantitative instrument during the qualitative interview process enhances interpretation by helping contextualize qualitative finding. The counselors use both quantitative and qualitative assessments in practices. This article demonstrates that collecting quantitative data via psychometrically sound quantitative instruments enhances interpretation by helping the researcher better contextualize qualitative finding. The research offers some insights into the concepts of mixed methods interview. The methods used in these articles will be useful in producing defensible and usable research finding.

The second peer-reviewed article authored by John List, Sally Sadoff and Mathis Wagner discussed some simple rules of thumb for optimal experimental design. The report outlines experimental design that provides several simple rules of thumb that researchers can apply to improve the efficiency of the experimental design. The experimental design method discussed in this article help researcher in maximizing the variance of the treatments variable and for adjusting the sample to account for variance heterogeneity. The third peer-reviewed article is about the qualitative and mixed method in social work knowledge. The author of the article includes Deborah K. Padgett.

This article discusses some quantitative method such as ethnography and field observation (Padgett, 2009). The quantitative approach outlined in this article may be useful to the researcher because the researcher will be able to use naturalistic observation method to observe symptom from children with developmental disability. The results of the observation will be applied in giving parents of the children effective parental methods that will improve the child life by streamlining the child speech and other variables. The ethnography research method is applied in researching culture, and the research is based sampling the participant on evaluating them about the developmental disability in children.

The fourth peer-reviewed articles discuss ten steps for conceptualizing and consulting qualitative research studies in a pragmatically unique manner. Ronal J. Chenail authored this article. The qualitative researcher can take a pathway of pragmatic curiosity by exploring their research interests and possible design and methodology choices to create studies that allow the researcher to peruse their investigative curiosities (Chenail, 2011). The step outlined in this article helps the researcher conduct the study that is responsive to research goal, objectives and defendable to criteria of quality and critic of utility. Therefore this article offers research a clear guideline that can be used to conduct an investigation that is successful and accurate.

Compare and contrast the paradigms and identifying a best-fit approach

The four research paradigms include positivism, interpretivist; critical and pragmatic are explained in the four research methods. A model is described as a belief or theory that helps to guide the things or to obtain sets of practice. To evaluate the structure of inquiry, the researchers and the methodological choices are employed. In each research study, an investigation is done by adopting the particular paradigm of inquiry. In observation method, for example, several steps are applied to identify sample groups on which to conduct our observation research. Other ways also follow a particular procedure before final results are achieved. As a professional researcher, I will apply assessments tools and critical thinking as well as pragmatic to choose the best research tool which will offer valid and accurate results.


Frels, R. K., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2013). Administering quantitative instruments with qualitative interviews: A mixed research approach. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91(2), 184-194.

list, J. A., Sadoff, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). So you want to run an experiment, now what? Some simple rules of thumb for optimal experimental design. Experimental Economics, 14(4), 439.

Padgett, D. K. (2009). Guest editorial: Qualitative and mixed methods in social work knowledge development. Social Work54(2), 101-105.

Chenail, R. J. (2011). Ten steps for conceptualizing and conducting qualitative research studies in a pragmatically curious manner. The Qualitative Report16(6), 1713.

Kauffman, J. M. (1997). Characteristics of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. Merrill/Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Vorobyeva, E., & Ermakov, P. (2015). Training of psychology students in the scientific methods of research. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences191, 2699-2703.