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Frozen” video assignment Name: ____________________________

Due: Thursday, April 5th (uploaded to D2L) by the time class starts

Score: worth 25 points

After viewing the video “Frozen,” complete the following assignment.

Short answer essay: Apply the concepts of socialization, social interaction, family, deviance and social control, relationships, and gender norms. You may also incorporate other themes from the film such as abuse, mental illness. You must use sociological terms (correctly) in order to earn full points. Remember that this is not a critique or opinion piece about the movie. This assignment requires that you show me that you can apply what we are learning to the movie.

Be specific and provide at least three examples from the film. (These examples are to help support your point – please do not provide a lengthy summary of the film or scenes from the film).

** You will pick one of these concepts to focus on, or a couple that are interrelated.

Mechanical requirements:

  • 1 page length requirement (if you go slightly over, that is fine, but be precise)

  • 12 pt. Times New Roman font

  • Use the heading provided

  • A unique title must be included, centered above the assignment text (but below the heading)

  • Spelling, grammar, and overall quality of the paper should be of college-level quality. If you need help, see the Writing Center.

Worksheet to complete while watching the film. This is a study guide to help you plan for your paper.

Examples of socialization:

Examples of social interaction:

Examples of family (focus on types, function, roles, etc):

Examples of deviance and social control:

Examples of relationships:

Examples of gender norms:

Examples of abuse or Examples of mental illness:

Some examples of academic works that discuss Frozen:



https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2014/05/13/what-disneys-frozen-teach-us-about-mental-illness/?utm_term=.679b34e6fd98 (not academic, but good read regardless)

Others are available on the Moodle site under “Frozen Optional Readings” folder.