Running Head: PROJECT CHANGE 1 January 26, 2017 PROJECT CHANGE 2 Project Change Introduction Modification of the project allows better operations and...

Running Head: PROJECT CHANGE 0

January 26, 2017

Project Change


Modification of the project allows better operations and completion project activities. The paper is aimed at addressing a number of changes occurring in the project planning. The changes are expected to impact distinctively towards the completion and structure of the project work. The project work revolves around the construction of a baseball stadium that should fit at least $47000 seats. The planning process has been done in such a way that the minimum costs have been utilized. The time spent on the project work should also be short ion order to facilitate the completion of the project in such a way that maximally achieves the desired structure.


Due to the need to meet a number of goals and objectives, the 3 phases will be subdivided further to constitute the five work packages. This will however be more efficient as less time will be spent in handling the project. The number of resources including both variable and

Five work packages are essential in facilitating better handling of project activities completely and in advance in such a way that maximizes the achievement of intended goals of and objective

Work Breakdown structure

The work breakdown structure has been modified to such extents that allow better and more manageable project bites and components (Too & Weaver, 2014). Initially, the main phases were three and have subdivided to form five phases. This implying that each level of the phases will contain a fewer number of tasks as compared to the initial plan.


In order to ensure that the project has been completed within the planned duration. The time taken in order to compete the project work will be less as compared to the initial expected date of completion. The number of resources will be increased. An increase in the number of resources increases the cost incurred during the project work (Duncan, 1996). The penalty clause remains unchanged from the initial $100000 after every single day delay after the planned deadline.

The fixed costs are usually incurred during the beginning of the project. This is under the consideration of the fact that most of the resources to be utilized within the project will be purchased at this stage. For this reason, there is a negligible probability of variation from the initial costs. However, variable costs such as labor will require much more input as compared to the initial requirements. For this reason, variable costs are most likely going to increase causing an overall variation on the total cost incurred within the project.


Initially, since there were three phases within the project work, the number of supervisors will be increased from three to five in order to ensure that every task has been completed as per the expectation. Better channels of communication and reporting should be enhanced between the personnel involved in the project work (Anantatmula, 2010). This ensure effective utilization of personal efforts and that limited time and resources are wasted during the project. An overall manager however remains responsible for overseeing and cooperating the supervisors at different phases to ensure that various tasks integrate effectively to facilitate achievement of project goals and objectives.


Anantatmula, V. S. (2010). Project manager leadership role in improving project performance. Engineering Management Journal, 22(1), 13-22.

Duncan, W. R. (1996). A guide to the project management body of knowledge.

Too, E. G., & Weaver, P. (2014). The management of project management: A conceptual framework for project governance. International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1382-1394.