A presentation should summarize the analysis of All cases studies in a set of PowerPoint slides.

Case Study 1: Apple Merging Technology, Business, and Entertainment

  1. Why are data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge important to Apple? Give an example of each type in relation to the iPad.

In the case of Apple, data can be described as raw numbers, facts, and statistics that Apple acquires every single day through sales from its different platforms. With this data, the company can derive consumable information and make sense out of it. While data provides Apple with the sales numbers and statistics, the firm can translate it into information after it has been prepared to attach context, pertinence, and meaning. In the case of the iPad, review of daily purchases will exhibit trends and inclinations such as the peak shopping days. Then, business intelligence is where the executive board of Apple and the relevant managers that are mandated with making decisions use the information that has been synthesized to do so wisely (Wu Desheng Dash et al, 2014). Business intelligence will also enable Apple to identify the market trends for the iPad and drive higher revenues by optimizing internal business processes and gaining a competitive advantage over its rivals.

  1. Explain how Apple achieved business success through the use of information, information technology, and people.

Apple attained business success using information, information technology, and people by ascertaining a plan to create a product that is more exciting. With the use of information Apple learns in traffic what would sell and who could profit from their merchandise and what way would the pros surpass the cons of their product. For instance, with particular commodities, they develop, like the iPad, the size is portable, one can play games and view videos, type papers, and it is a touchscreen which the customers enjoy. The designers who are developing Apple products produce them for themselves. And the company's founder, Steve Jobs, was the primary user of Apple goods when he was living. Each of Apple’s products is founded on the basis that Jobs embodied the actual client. As a result, his engineers had to understand that when creating a product. Other than developing merchandises that are user-friendly, Apple prides itself on its world-class customer service. Moreover, the company invests in its workers and has a friendly and diverse work environment to promote innovation and drive change.

  1. Evaluate how Apple can gain business intelligence through the implementation of a customer relationship management system.

A customer relationship management system is software that assists a company in overseeing the interactions with its clients. Apple can gain business intelligence from the CRM system by monitoring and recording information about the constituents it engages (Deepti & Alok, 2009). Then, it can use this knowledge to expedite its goals by making better and informed decisions. As such, Apple must ensure that it establishes a CRM system that is in sync with its needs and goals. The implementation of CRM software at Apple will improve the company’s comprehension of customer needs and provide value-added services to ensure it maintains a competitive advantage over its rivals. Lastly, CRM is concerned with maximizing profitability and facilitating Apple’s ability to keep clients in check, as it makes the consumer feel they are a component of the company’s advancement.

Case Study 2: Vail Ski Resorts Goes High-Tech for High Touch

  1. List and describe the types of systems described in this case study.

Gondola- One of the most efficient way to decrease the riding time from 9 to 7.5 minutes It has the capacity to accommodate ten people per cabin with some uphill speed of 1200 foot per minute. The seats are heated, and Wi-Fi access makes it one of the world’s most customer-friendly ski lifts as well.

RFID- To keep the skiers aware of every foot ascend they make, Vail has introduced the radio identification lift tickets and passes which are scanned at the base of each lift so that the skiers know the vertical feet ascended each day.

Chip-embedded tickets-They scan and uploaded the photos in the social networking websites.

SAS Customer Intelligence Software- It stores all the details related to the customers like their preferences, hobby etc.

  1. How do these systems improve the operation of the business?

The introduction of Gondola proves to be a great relief for the skiers who want to save their time. The Heated seats makes them feel comfortable. The ability to connect to their friends and families with the help of various social networking sites is an added advantage for the skiers.

These facilities would attract a huge number of skiers.

RFID- The resort can prepare a batch where they send people with similar preferences. This would help them to plan everything suitably for their clients.

Chip-embedded tickets- Advertisement are the key to expanding any business. Through Chip- embedded tickets people can share their photos over the social sites. This would help in multiplying the name of the resort.

SAS Customer Intelligence Software- This stores the full information of their customer enabling the company to work according the requirements and preferences of their customer.

  1. How do these systems support decision-making? Identify 3 different decisions that can be supported by these systems.

  1. Through RFID lifters can decide whether to move up or quit.

  2. Through Epic Mix racing program, the customers can know about their level. This will help them to decide on what areas they should work over.

  3. Through Chip-embedded tickets the company can decide what measures they need to take in order to improve their business and beat their competitors.

Case Study 3: Walmart

  1. How IT and IS may be used to help the company operate and achieve its objectives.

Information Technology and Information system are very important in any company. These two systems would enable Walmart to reduce operational together with transactional costs at their suppliers’ centers. The technology may be useful to the company in attaining long-term strategy of preserving the distribution centers as well as keeping long-term relationships with its suppliers. IT systems would improve productivity. Information systems and Information Technology are important aspects obtainable to leaders for attaining complex intensities of competence and yielding in business deals, particularly when combined with transformations in business ideas as well as the management behavior.

The systems are the major supporting tools for firms such as Walmart to create new products as well as services and entirely new business types. The type of business determines how a company will produce, deliver and sell a product or services to get wealth. An example in our case is Walmart in its outdated block and mortar existences, it has presented new products and business prototypes which made them even more viable and profitable. In addition, Walmart reached its goals by being committed with the business objectives and the complementary operations with the economic growth and due to a positive knowledge management plans that the firm followed, an important economic gain was achieved.

2) Discuss the challenges faced by the CIO - which are the most important and why?

Challenge 1: keep up with the evolving security landscape.

This happens every year where security presents a challenge on two levels which include security threats. Guarding business information against being exposed is an objective that every business work concerns for years. Unfortunately, this is quiet the area where numerous companies still struggle with. By 2019, one more developing security concern: The Internet of Things ((IOT). Due to many devices being connected to the web, there comes a new security threat to handle.

Challenge 2: Drive the digital transformation.

Some years back, the concept of digital transformation has shattered. The latest survey established that 80% of businesses view it as a main concern. In fact, digital business is now real. When competition occurs in digitalization, it offerings both a challenge and an opportunity for the current CIO. On the part of the challenge its slow process. The number of CIOs that have taken the role of the digital leader is increasing but not above 40%.

3) What role does information technology play in the business? How is it helping Walmart refine its business strategies?

Walmart is emerging a new smartphone app which will enable customers order items from its website (Walmart.com) when the local corporal accumulation is out of stock. There is a test going on at Walmart’s Sam’s Clubs for a new subscription service which will enable customers to order stuff online but not have to pay shipping payments. The company is also working to recover links between its store inventory as well as Web site and mobile phone apps so that more consumers can order online and pick up their consumptions at the store without waiting on the queue. The company’s site monitors prices at other merchants and lowers its online charges if applicable. It is improving the figure of third-party retailers to contest with suppliers. This helps raise the number of items available to consumers without Walmart having to come up with new shipping logistics restraints.

  1. Summarize the main purposes of information systems in organizations.

The primary purpose of information systems in organizations differs according to the sectors it covers, however systems generally help operations and decisions made by a firm as well as assisting data storage and simplifying management. Information systems are used by various firms in different industries. These systems are used by companies such as Walmart to advance the performance in specified areas by issuing processes like organizing or planning. IS provide firms with internal and external benefits. Within the organization, they assist in streamlining, focusing and coordinating the activities of workers and various organizational sectors. In fact, Walmart benefit from having a serious workforce that enables it to focus more time and hard work on external relationships such as marketing, sales as well as forming a market presence.

Case Study 4: Zappos

  1. SCM- Supply Chain Management is an integrating philosophy to manage the total flow of a distribution channel flow from a supply to the final customer or buyer.

Ways in which SCM can help Zappos

  • Improve product and material flow

  • Good flow of information from the company to the customers since customers require real time information flow, information should be uninterrupted

  • Enhanced flow of finances.

  1. CRM- Customer Relationship Management is a program which aims at ensuring the improvement of the relationship with the existing customers, finding new prospective customers and wining back lost customers.

Benefits that Zappos will get from CRM system implementation

  • Enhanced better customer services- CRM systems provide businesses with numerous strategic advantages such as capability to add a personal touch to existing relationship between the business and the customers. This allows each employee to understand the specific needs of their customers and their transaction files

  • Facilitates discovery of new customers- CRM systems are useful in identifying potential customers since they keep track of the profiles of the existing clients and can use them to determine to target for maximum client returns

  • Increase customer revenues- CRM data ensures effective coordination of marketing campaigns.

  • Helps the sales team in closing deals faster- CRM systems facilitates quicker and more efficient responses to customer leads and information.

  • Enhances effective cross and upselling of products. CRM- systems makes cross and upselling easy by cross checking available data.

  1. Why Zappos would need to implement SCM, CRM AND ERP

  1. SCM

  • Improve product and material flow

  • Good flow of information from the company to the customers since customers require real time information flow, information should be uninterrupted

  • Enhanced flow of finances.

  1. CRM

  • Enhanced better customer services- CRM systems provide businesses with numerous strategic advantages such as capability to add a personal touch to existing relationship between the business and the customers. This allows each employee to understand the specific needs of their customers and their transaction files

  • Facilitates discovery of new customers- CRM systems are useful in identifying potential customers since they keep track of the profiles of the existing clients and can use them to determine to target for maximum client returns

  • Increase customer revenues- CRM data ensures effective coordination of marketing campaigns.

  • Helps the sales team in closing deals faster- CRM systems facilitates quicker and more efficient responses to customer leads and information.

  • Enhances effective cross and upselling of products. CRM- systems makes cross and upselling easy by cross checking available data.

  1. ERP- is an information able to centralized and unify data from different business departments facilitating the flow of information. It will help Zappos in these ways:

  • Greater control and traceability. ERP- systems facilitate product tracking throughout the organization, from entering the raw material to delivery of finished products to customers.

  • Integration with other members of the value chain. ERP- systems exceeds the limits of the company by adding other members of the value chain: customers and suppliers

  • Improved internal communication. ERP- systems suppresses information barriers between departments by integrating and improving internal communication.

  • Automation of tasks. ERP- systems automate repetitive tasks formally performed by hand.

  • Total adaptation to the needs of the company. ERP- systems are tailor made to fit the business.

  1. Merger between Zappos and Amazon and issues that can affect Zappos customers include:

  • Price of products and services may inflate

  • Quality of products and services may be affected.

  • Affected level of satisfaction customers receive from the company.

  • The options customers have when transacting business with the company.

  1. How Zappos can use Amazon’s supply chain to increase sales and customer satisfaction

  • Improve productivity of the Zappos employee due to competition from amazon employees.

  • Improve the accuracy in which its inventory is managed by using the updated inventory control systems of amazon.

  • Use supply chain management software of amazon to keep track of revenues being spent and earned.

  • Maintain accuracy and effectiveness of its delivery fleet by using fleet management software which aids in the accurate tracking and assignment of vehicles to locations and deliveries by providing managers with a simple dashboard from which it can execute all the necessary commands to enable such processes.