For your Final Project, you apply concepts, theories, and approaches presented in the course to a Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response Project. The project must be presented as a 13- to 15-page (not

Running head: CRISIS 1

Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Final Project

Student Name Here

Walden University


Provide a brief summary of your paper’s purpose here.

Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Final Project

Provide a brief introduction to the topic of your paper. The title serves as your introductory heading no need for a heading titled “Introduction.” Then you will briefly discuss the purpose of paper. Again, start first by writing a sentence or two on the topic in general (i.e presenting the title in essence to the reader) then go into what the paper will be about, in the order in which you will be presenting the information. Remember, you need a minimum of 3 sentences to make a paragraph. In this section, again, be sure to include a discussion outlining which topics will be presented and in which order. Remember, you are still going to write in FIRST person. Be sure to cite scholarly citations to support your points in all paragraphs in the body of your paper.

Three Crises

In this paragraph you will discuss the crises you are selecting. You will be selecting one crisis type from each of the following categories (totaling three crises): a crisis with an individual, couple, or family; a crisis in the community or a crisis in the nation or in the world. The crises you select may be crises you personally experienced, learned about through this course, or heard about on the news, past or present. However, if you are going to select personal crises you experienced, you still want to tie in scholarly citations to support your points. Remember, when writing your paper be sure you have a minimum of 3 sentences per paragraph and you cite your scholarly source(s) to support your points in proper APA format.

Crisis One (delete this and replace with the name of the first crisis you selected).

Description of the crisis

Under this header you will describe the crisis including: the event/situation, implications, responders, victims, survivors, and perpetrators. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Description of the forms of critical incident assessment

Under this header you will describe the forms of critical incident assessment you might use. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Short-term and long-term effects

Under this header you will explain the potential short-term and long-term effects that might be experienced by the people impacted by the crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.


Under this header you will describe the particular competencies you would need to counsel people impacted by the crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Anticipated outcomes

Under this header you will explain the anticipated outcomes for immediate, short-term, and long-term interventions used. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Cultural, ethical and legal implications

Under this header you will explain the cultural, ethical, and legal implications that need to be considered. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Vicarious trauma and countertransference

Under this header you will explain potential vicarious trauma and countertransference that might occur between you and the people you might counsel from this crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Crisis Two (delete this and replace with the name of the second crisis you selected).

Description of the crisis

Under this header you will describe the crisis including: the event/situation, implications, responders, victims, survivors, and perpetrators. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Description of the forms of critical incident assessment

Under this header you will describe the forms of critical incident assessment you might use. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Short-term and long-term effects

Under this header you will explain the potential short-term and long-term effects that might be experienced by the people impacted by the crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.


Under this header you will describe the particular competencies you would need to counsel people impacted by the crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Anticipated outcomes

Under this header you will explain the anticipated outcomes for immediate, short-term, and long-term interventions used. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Cultural, ethical and legal implications

Under this header you will explain the cultural, ethical, and legal implications that need to be considered. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Vicarious trauma and countertransference

Under this header you will explain potential vicarious trauma and countertransference that might occur between you and the people you might counsel from this crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Crisis Three (delete this and replace with the name of the third crisis you selected).

Description of the crisis

Under this header you will describe the crisis including: the event/situation, implications, responders, victims, survivors, and perpetrators. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Description of the forms of critical incident assessment

Under this header you will describe the forms of critical incident assessment you might use. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Short-term and long-term effects

Under this header you will explain the potential short-term and long-term effects that might be experienced by the people impacted by the crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.


Under this header you will describe the particular competencies you would need to counsel people impacted by the crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Anticipated outcomes

Under this header you will explain the anticipated outcomes for immediate, short-term, and long-term interventions used. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Cultural, ethical and legal implications

Under this header you will explain the cultural, ethical, and legal implications that need to be considered. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Vicarious trauma and countertransference

Under this header you will explain potential vicarious trauma and countertransference that might occur between you and the people you might counsel from this crisis. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points.

Insights Gained

As a final point, explain what insights you had or conclusions you drew from completing this assignment. Remember, to have a minimum of 3 sentences and a scholarly citation to support your points and write in third person.


Provide a brief summary highlighting the key points of your paper.


Always include references unless the assignment specifies otherwise. References should be taken from all relevant resources listed in the classroom plus any additional relevant scholarly resource you have discovered in a library or scholarly search. Be sure that every reference is in APA format with a hanging indent. Also, every citation should have a reference and vice versa. Use the APA manual, the Citation Guide or Purdue to verify your format. APA is very specific about punctuation and how elements of the reference are presented. REMEMBER, your references go on a separate page not directly under your conclusion. Be sure to include the case study in your references.