Please see attached for the project and advise.  

Student’s Guide Group Work

BMGT 365 Organizational Leadership

For weeks 2, 3, and 4, you will be working with other students to complete a weekly deliverable. You are not required to participate in a weekly learning activity during these weeks. However, you are required to take an active role as a group/team member.

Below are the expectations of working as a member of the group/team.

Student Responsibility:

Students are responsible for working as a self-managed team. What this means is that students are responsible for all aspects of producing the deliverable. Members of the team are responsible for assigning tasks, completing, proofing and submitting the deliverable. One group member will submit the final product each week.

Groups can work with as low as two students so if a student notices the group’s members are not participating, they should reach out to the instructor. If a member of the group fails to do his or her part, other members must assume that work.

Students are expected to do all work in the group area. They may set up a chat but without activity in the group area, faculty cannot access whether a group is completing the work as required.

Every group member is expected to do all of the work and then collaborate on the final product. If you elect to take the work and break it out among group members, the cohesiveness of the deliverable probably will not have the same quality as if you each do the work. Be prepared for a lower grade if you choose to do the work this way.

All members of the group are responsible for reading and viewing all of the course material, as well as the grading rubrics.

All members of the group are responsible for reading all of the posts for the week and for meeting the requirements of the deliverable.

Students are responsible for resolving issues within a group but if an issue cannot be resolved, the students need to contact the instructor.

If you or a group member has a question that will benefit all students, bring the questions into the week discussion area.

Set Up A Discussion Area for Each Week:

  1. One student should set up three discussion thread labeled, Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4.

  2. All students in the group, should post under the appropriate week to collaborate on the deliverable for that particular week.

I will want to do the week two post.