In your course project, you will be applying the information covered in previous units to conduct an accident investigation. The specifics of the incident are provided in the attached document. You ha


Unit III Assignment

Raymond Beck

Columbia Southern University

Professor Baumgardner

May 15, 2018


Safety and the good working place are critical for employee's motivation, productivity, organization brand images and reduction in the cost of medical care, negligence cost, product liability cost and legal associated cost. Sale revenue generation improves when an organization has an effective action plan in place because it will help in reducing products waste and time procedure on machines repairs. The organization is required to have maximum health and safety standard as per the OSHA work safety and health requirements. In this case, the company is coming up with written safety and health policy statements which indicate the occupational safety and health (OSHA) objectives. The plan will outline roles and responsibility and methods of evaluating objectives performance.

Safety and health policy Statements

This safety plan will analyze current and potential risks a company will be more likely to face and offer a potential solution or action plan that can be applied to control or eradicates the potential risk. There will be a governance structure outlined that will ensure all stakeholder in an organization understand their safety obligation and their way of complying with those safety measures put in place and those accountable for the implementation or in overseeing the obligation. The policies include safety requirements, recording keeping, and incidence reporting and other policies and procedure drafted to act as policy statements (Hasle, & Limborg, 2011).

Our aim as a Company

  1. Our aim is to ensure we record zero accidents and injuries (Rahman, 2017, p.17). The potential risks we plan to avoid include negligence related cost and employees related medical cost.

  2. Work towards exceeding OSHA legal requirements.

  3. We will put much attention to health and safety as our key objectives towards ensuring the regulator’s requirements are met.

How to achieve Occupational related safety and objectives.

  1. In order to record zero accident and injuries related to the workplace, our firm is ready to conduct health inspection permitted we eliminate and identify unsafe working conditions and be in compliance with OSHA safety and health requirements. The inspection objectives will help the firm identify potential risks then countermeasures will be applied to reduce the impact of those potential risks.

  2. To exceed OSHA legal requirements, our firm plan is to redesign the workplace more so the areas which are more likely to increase potential risk relating to work-related jobs. Having an effective plan in place will help in reducing work-related injuries and accidents. The walking path will be more spacious and completed orders put in walking paths will be put in the right place to avoid injuries relating to slip and fall.

  3. In order to achieve the third objectives and be able to put adequate attention and safety as the key objectives of our firm, the company plans to train employees on safety and health measures and provide them with the reasons for wearing protective equipment's. The protective equipment we plan to use includes hearing protectors, helmets and other protective equipment's.

Criteria and Responsibilities:

The responsibility of implementing this safety and management plan is the responsibility of management, line managers, and employees. The management ensures that the policy put in place are followed through safely with the proper measures of removing risk to the health, safety of workers and other stakeholders (Steinemann, 2004). The company is committed to meet regulatory requirements.

Management’s responsibilities

  • The management is responsible for maintaining the safe working environment.

  • Management ensures safe systems are working well to ensure they detect any potential risk or health hazards.

  • The management is also committed to consult and co-operate in a matter of safety implementation.

  • Provide reasonable support, instruction, finances, and training in order to ensure safety plan is put in place in order to provide a safe working environment.

Supervisors or liners manager responsibilities

  • Supervisors are responsible for overseeing and training employees on safety measures.

  • The lines manager and supervisors they ensure they enforce firm rules.

Employee’s responsibilities

  • Employees are required to respond to the safety program and reporting hazards, accidents to the relevant organization.

  • Employees are also required to ensure the working place is clean, and all walking ways are easy to pass to avoid slip and fall.

  • Employees should wear protective equipment to ensure they are not exposed to health risks.

Strategies for measuring objective performances

The strategies for measuring the objectives performance include:

  • Reviewing the policies and safety measures put in place in order to confirm whether they are working in accordance with the requirements.

  • Keeping a close watch on the regulatory requirements to ensure the regulations and safety system are up to date. This strategy will help the firm comply with current safety legislation.

  • Reviewing workers medical reports and trends in sick reports in order to confirm the effectiveness of the objectives put in place.

  • Assessing working environment through observation, taking notes, questionnaires through requesting their opinion from employees and consultants reports to ensure the performance of the objectives put in place.


Hasle, P., & Limborg, H. J. (2011). Occupational Health and Safety in Small Enterprises-The Need for a Diversity of Strategies. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Rahman, Z. A. (2017). Safety Culture at the Workplace. Gading Journal for the Social Sciences, 10(01), 17-26.

Steinemann, A. (2004). Human exposure, health hazards, and environmental regulationsEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review24(7-8), 695-710.