Short Story Paper AssignmentShort Story Critical Analysis PaperThis paper is like any argument or illustration/exemplification essay you learned to write in College Composition I and II. You state a p

LIT 1000 Short Story Paper Rubric

Papers which do not use and cite at least one critical article can score only a 50F at the highest. No do-overs/revisions for a higher grade.

LIT 1000 Short Story Paper Rubric


Professor Comments

Page numbers refer to our textbook

Title/Manuscript Standards (5 total pts.)

See model title format p. 194

* Arial 11 pt. font

* Double-spaced, indented paragraphs

* Paper title in correct MLA format (including all mechanics [punctuation, capitalization, etc.])


See sample intro and theme statement p. 194: “The Secret Lion”: Everything Changes

1. Introduction engages reader’s interest without retelling the story

2. The theme (thesis) is stated at the end of the introduction as the moral to the tale/lesson learned about life/point of the story (worth 10 of 15 points). The theme statement does not use second-person you/your.

3. Correct, smooth sentence structures, grammar/ mechanics, MLA citing (if any quotes or paraphrases are used)


BODY PARAGRAPHS (60 total pts.)
(If you have more than 3 body paragraphs, I will make point adjustments as needed)

See examples on each critical article. See models pp. 93-96 (only our critical articles do not have page numbers as they are from databases). See “How to Cite our Textbook” in Modules>Guides.

Body par. 1 (20 total points) Symbol analysis 1

1. At least one symbol from the story is analyzed

2. At least one critical article is used and cited (paraphrased or quoted smoothly and correctly in support of the symbol/theme analysis using MLA style)

3. At least one quotation from the story is used to support and illustrate the symbol analysis and is cited (using MLA style)

4. Correct, smooth sentence structures, grammar/mechanics, MLA citing (including correct use of quotation marks and punctuation placement with quotes and MLA parenthetical citations)

Body par. 2 (20 total points) Symbol analysis 2

1. At least one symbol from the story is analyzed

2. At least one critical article is used and cited (paraphrased or quoted smoothly and correctly in support of the symbol/theme analysis using MLA style)

3. At least one quotation from the story is used to support and illustrate the symbol analysis and is cited (using MLA style)

4. Correct, smooth sentence structures, grammar/mechanics, MLA citing (including correct use of quotation marks and punctuation placement with quotes and MLA parenthetical citations)

Body par. 3 (20 total points) Symbol analysis 3

1. At least one symbol from the story is analyzed

2. At least one critical article is used and cited (paraphrased or quoted smoothly and correctly in support of the symbol/theme analysis using MLA style)

3. At least one quotation from the story is used to support and illustrate the symbol analysis and is cited (using MLA style)

4. Correct, smooth sentence structures, grammar/mechanics, MLA citing (including correct use of quotation marks and punctuation placement with quotes and MLA parenthetical citations)


See model pp. 110 or 195

1. Gives the paper a concise, satisfying finish

2. Restates the theme as the lesson learned/moral to the tale (without shifting into second-person you/your)

3. Correct, smooth sentence structures, grammar/mechanics

MLA WORKS CITED (15 total pts.)

See model WC layout/formatting p. 89. See each critical article for full, correct Works Cited format. See “How to Cite our Textbook” in Modules>Guides.

1. WC title is in correct MLA format (including all mechanics [punctuation, capitalization, etc.])

2. Entries are correctly formatted in MLA style (including spacing, margins, indentations, mechanics [punctuation, capitalization, etc.])