I need an educated academic responses to post I attach.

Original Question:

Explain the main concepts of Emotional Intelligence and provide clear examples of each concept.

Post # 1


"According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements to it:" (Emotional intellegence in leadership)





Social skills

Self awareness is basically being in touch with your own emotions, knowing how you feel and knowing how youe emotions can affect others around you. Having self-awareness means you can identify your stengths and weaknesses.

Self regulation is knowing how to control your emotions, knowing when not to blame others and instead take accountability for your own actions. Self regulation allows you not to make decisions in a rush.

Self Motivation simply means that you have standards and you are a goal setter that seeks out to achieve your goals. You take value in giving quality work.

Empathy is knowing when you set your emotions aside and try to see things from another person's point of view. Being able to take criticism effectively.

Social skills means that you are great at communicating, when a conflist arises, you are able to solve them in a diplomatic way.


Post # 2


“ Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions effectively in ourselves and others .” Daniel Goleman.

I would expand on this and emphasize that emotional intelligence is the synthesis between our heart and mind - gaining clarity and discernment of what happens in the heart and body with our minds.

There are five clusters that represents Emotional Intelligence competencies :

S elf-Awareness Cluster

Emotional Self-awareness -recognizing one’s emotions and their effects

Accurate self-assessment – knowing one’s own strengths and limitations

Self-confidence – strong sense of self-worth and capability

In this cluster self-awareness goes beyond understanding your own feeling but assessing oneself with greater accuracy, a deeper comprehension of how yoru own emotions affect others.

Self-Regulations Cluster

Self-Control – Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses in check

Trustworthiness – maintaining standards of honesty and integrity

Conscientiousness – taking responsibility for personal performance

Adaptability – flexibility in handling change

Innovation – comfortable with new ideas, approaches, and information

Our ability to manage and regulate our emotions goes beyond self-control, but taking responsbility, for your own behavior and mistakes, and being felxible enough to try different perspective and approach.

Self-Motivation Cluster

Achievement orientation – striving to improve and excel

Commitment - aligning personal goals with organizational goals

Initiative – readiness to act on opportunities

Optimism – persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks

Self-motivation is a combination of goal oriented thinking, the commitment to make it happen (grit), resilience in bouncing back from adversity, and overal optimism.

Empathy Cluster

Understanding Others – Sensing, being interested in others’ feelings, and perspectives

Developing Others – sensing needs and bolstering the ability of others

Service Orientation – anticipating, recognizing, meeting others’ needs

Leveraging Diversity – cultivating opportunities with different kinds of people

Political Awareness – reading a group’s emotional currents, power relationship

Basic empathy quickly transcends here to reading others and adjusting your own behavior accordingly. an example would be reading the room in a meeting, and understanding very quickly the power plays, and overall mood and energy of the room.

Social Skills Cluster

Influence – wielding effective tactics for persuasion

Communication – listening openly, sending convincing messages

Conflict Management – negotiating, resolving disagreements

Leadership – inspiring, guiding individuals and groups

Change Catalyst – initiating and managing change

Building bonds – nurturing instrumental relationships

Collaboration and Cooperation – working with others towards shared goals

Team Capabilities – creating group synergy towards collective goals

As social animals, social intelligennce is one of the most valued capability in succeeding socially. Coaches need to model this behavior contiuously in their interaction with clients and everyone around them. we are change agents and this is the area we must excel in and understand all its subtleties. This ofcourse needs to coincide with all other clusters of emotional intellligence.


Goleman, D. (1994). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bantam Books