To prepare for this week’s Assignment, review the following videos in addition to this week’s assigned Reading:Duran, V. M. (2013). Supernatural views- Historic. Retrieved from http://www.cengage.

PHPM608A – Week 7.5 Assignment 1: Final Paper –  Grading Rubric

Grading Rubric Week 7.5 Assignment 1: Final Paper





Problem Identification (45%)

Does not identify a public health problem or demonstrate use of scientific evidence. Work is either nonexistent or not relevant to a public health problem.

Adequately identifies a public health problem, demonstrating satisfactory use of scientific evidence to support the discussion of the problem. Additional detail is needed to demonstrate complete understanding of the identified public health problem.

Competently identifies a public health problem, demonstrating proficient use of scientific evidence to support the discussion of the problem. One or more supportive points may need clarification to demonstrate proficiency.

Clearly and comprehensively identifies a public health problem, demonstrating proficient use of scientific evidence to support the discussion of the problem. Work demonstrates a highly competent understanding and articulation of the identified public health problem.

< 12.5

12.6 – 14.3

14.4 – 16.1

16.2 – 18

Application to Public Health Law, Policy, or Ethics (20%)

Omits explanation of application of public health problem to law, policy, or ethics. Work is either non-existent or not relevant to the questions posed in the assignment.

Adequately applies identified problem with relevant public health law, policy, or ethics. Additional detail is needed to demonstrate relevance to the public health problem.

Competently applies identified problem with relevant public health law, policy, or ethics. One or more items may need clarification to demonstrate proficiency.

Clearly applies identified problem with relevant public health law, policy, or ethics. Work demonstrates a highly competent understanding of the impact of law, policy, or ethics on the identified public health problem.

< 5.5

5.6 – 6.3

6.4 – 7.1

7.2 – 8

Identification of Potential Solution or Suggested Resolution (25%)

Omits identification of potential solutions to or suggested resolutions of the student’s identified public health problem. Work is either non-existent or not relevant to the questions posed in the assignment.

Adequately identifies potential solutions to or suggested resolutions of the student’s identified public health problem. Additional detail is needed to demonstrate relevance to the public health problem.

Competently identifies potential solutions to or suggested resolutions of the student’s identified public health problem. One or more items may need clarification to demonstrate proficiency.

Clearly identifies potential solutions to or suggested resolutions of the student’s identified public health problem. Work demonstrates a highly competent understanding of the impact of law, policy, or ethics on the identified public health problem.

< 6.9

7.0 – 7.9

8 – 8.9

9 – 10

Writing Mechanics, Citations, references and APA Guidelines (10%)

Fails to provide basic APA or AMA format. Frequent errors in spelling and grammar are a distraction to the reader. Organization is not present.

Displays adequate use of spelling, grammar, and APA or AMA style. Formatting is acceptable for organization of paper, including citations and references.

Proficient use of spelling, grammar, and APA or AMA style and formatting for organization of paper and references. Work contains only a few errors and is mostly easy to understand.

Accurately and consistently demonstrates proper APA or AMA format throughout the work. Work is well organized and contains no errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

< 2.7

2.8 – 3.1

3.2 – 3.5

3.6 – 4

Total Points:

< 27

28 – 31

32 – 35

36 – 40