Create a brochure that can be given to families that includes at least three outside community resources and at least one school district that provides one or more of the following related services fo


Community Resource Template

Stacey Brockhaus

Institutional Affiliation

Create a brochure that can be given to families that includes at least three outside community resources and at least one school district that provides one or more of the following related services fo 1

Community Resources Template





ABC for Health Inc.

ABC for Health, Inc. is a public law firm that focuses on improving the healthcare access of the children with special needs through advocacy, legal services, and benefits counseling.

The resources can help in planning and coordinate the delivery of support and education to the children with special needs in learning in collaboration with the educational institutions and the health service executives.

Disability Rights Wisconsin

This agency is designated by the government to advocate for the children with special needs and long-term mental illness.

It helps in making referrals in areas that concern the use of Medicare, Medicaid, and special needs programming.

Center For Parent Information And Resources

This agency provides free and the present information on the topic of disability, statistics on the incidence, specific conditions and the educational implications of the children with special needs in the community. Referral and information are made accessible to the parents concerning the direct services for the kids, advocacy, and support groups.

The resources can help in the planning of the execution of the educational programs for the children with special needs (Walters, 2015).

Wisconsin FACETS

It is a voluntary organization that serves the children and adults in Wisconsin. This agency was launched by the parents who believed that they were the best advocates for their children with disabilities.

The resources assist in disseminating the information about the most effective practices regarding the education of the children with disabilities.

First Step

It is a referral and information service agency that helps the Wisconsin families with children having special needs. First Help assists in locating the different services for the children and families such as the early treatment programs, support groups, financial assistance and child care respite among other activities.

They provide the information to the families of these children regarding the entitlement of the children with special needs.

Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative

This is a resource that links the families within Wisconsin with the information from parents from other regions to improve child learning experiences for the students with special needs.

The resources are also influential in measuring and evaluating the resources needs for the special education program. Similarly, the tools and agencies ensure that the progress of these students is maintained and thereby advances the educational institutions on the best practices to use while teaching the students with special needs and disabilities.

Alianza Latina Aplicando Soluciones (ALAS)

ALAS helps the families of the children with special needs that have a problem of the language barrier, particular children from Spanish speaking families (Walters, 2015). The agency provides advocacy, parent support, and educational workshops as well as community building activities that assist these children.

The tools and agencies ensure that the progress of these students is maintained and thereby advances the educational institutions on the best practices to use while teaching the students with special needs and disabilities.

Family Activity Center

. It allows different families to drop in free play activities and make the most use of the structured activities that endorse socialization, networking, and bonding. Finally, the ninth resource is the GIGI playhouse located in Fox Point. It is a state of the art achievement center for the kids with special needs, particularly Down syndrome as well as their parents and the society.

The resource provides more than thirty therapeutic, educational programs that improve math skills, literacy, and motor skills.

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