4 Well-Written Pages    Topic--- Bullying    Due 7/5/2018      NO PLAGIARISMPrior to beginning work on this assignment, review the qualitative and quantitative research designs encountered

Assignment Brief



Unit Number and Title

4. management and operations

Start Date


Hand In Deadline


Assessor Name

Ms. Annu CHarikar

Assignment No


Assignment Title


Purpose of this assignment

To develop an understanding of the difference between the function of a manager and the role of a leader. Students will learn different characteristics, behaviours and traits which support effective management and leadership. This assignment will help them develop sufficient knowledge and understanding of how management and operations make a positive, efficient and effective contribution to an organisation.

Assignment Description

This Assignment covers the Learning outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4.

Preparation guidelines

  • The report should be grammatically correct and word processed.

  • The written report must be presented in a professional manner, with FORM 1, front page, contents page, page numbering, bibliography and annexes.

  • Use the Font as Arial size 11 and 1.5 line spacing.

  • Identify any references and Use the Harvard referencing system.

  • Complete the Form 1 page and sign the statement of authenticity.

  • You will pass the assignment only if you achieve all Pass criteria. Student must provide evidence that learning outcomes of the subject have been met.

  • Assignment will be checked for Plagiarism. Appropriate Actions may be taken as per College / Edexcel Plagiarism Policy.

Good practice

  • Make backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick etc) to avoid distress for loss or damage of your original copy.

  • Make an extra hardcopy of your work submitted for your own reference or later use.


TASK 1: (Covering Assessment criteria LO 1, 2 & 4)

You are the Human Resource Manager for [an organisation of your
choice] and have been asked by the CEO to investigate the impact of leaders and managers on the operations of this ever-growing company.

You will need to produce a report for the senior leadership team that includes the following:

  1. Definition and roles of both managers and leaders, highlighting the differences between management and leadership.(LO1)

  1. Leadership styles in application to different organizational situations, and Leadership theories adopted.(LO1)

  1. Impact of management theories like ‘chaos theory’ and ‘management by objectives’ on the organisation and how these have supported growth and sustainable performance.(LO2)

  1. Conclusions on how managers and leaders have made an impact on the organisation and recommendations for future improvements.(LO2)

  1. Influence of Culture, Value and ethics on both leadership and management of the organisation. (LO4)

  1. Role that Intrapreneurship plays to enhance talent within the organization.(LO4)

Submission Format for Task 1:

The submission is in the form of a individual report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000 – 2,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

TASK 2: (Covering Assessment criteria LO 3)

(To be presented in Last class i.e. 26th April 2018)

Since reporting on the role of management and leadership within [organisation name] as the HR Manager, the CEO and founder have now asked you to feedback on best approaches and practices with regards to operations management.

This will take the form of a presentation to the leadership team that will address how the leadership and management team can improve overall operations within the company. To assist with this you will need to investigate external business factors that impact upon operational management and the decisions the management team makes.

The presentation slides should cover the following areas:

  1. Introduction about the organisation.

  1. Explanation of the key operational functions they follow like Six Sigma, Lean Production & Queuing Theory and value it brings to the organisation.(LO3)

  1. How operational efficiencies can be improved to successfully meet business objectives using appropriate management techniques like TQM (Total Quality Management) & Just-in-time Inventory Management. (LO3)

  1. Conclusions and supported recommendations for future improvements to be taken by the organisation.(LO3)

Submission Format for Task 2:

  1. The submission is in the form of a 10-minute individual PowerPoint presentation and 5 minutes allocated for questions on the given date. This will be recorded for evidence of submission.

  2. Students have to be in Business formals for the presentation

  3. The recommended word limit is 1,000 – 1,500 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

  4. Students can choose to RECORD a video presentation. Attire remains business formals. But, will lose marks as they wouldn’t have the Q&A from the teacher and fellow students. That’s why in class presentation is recommended.

  5. The PPT file will be submitted on Edmodo by everybody.

  6. Video files recorded should be in MP3 /MP4 format only.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome




LO1 Differentiate
between the role of a leader and the
function of a manager.

P1 Define and
compare the different roles and
characteristics of a
leader and a manager

M1 Analyse and
differentiate between
the role of a leader
and function of a
manager by effectively
applying a range of
theories and concepts.

D1 Critically analyse and evaluate the
different theories and approaches to
leadership in given

LO2 Apply the role of a leader and the
function of a manager
in given contexts

P2 Examine examples of how the role of a
leader and the
function of a manager
apply in different
situational contexts

P3 Apply different
theories and models of approach, including situational leadership,
systems leadership
and contingency

M2 Assess and
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of
different approaches
to situations within the work environment.

LO3 Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the operations function of an organization

P4 Explain the key
approaches to
operations management and the role that leaders and managers play.

P5 Explain the
importance and value
of operations
management in
achieving business

M3 Evaluate how
leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational
management to
successfully meet
business objectives.

D2 Critically evaluate application of operations
management and
factors that impact on the wider business

LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership and management in a contemporary
business environment

P6 Assess the factors
within the business
environment that
impact upon
management and
decision-making by
leaders and

M4 Analyse how these different factors affect
the business
environment and wider community