1. What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search?2. What are the most common mistakes people make in preparing their résumés? 3. What should you know about your pr

Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions and Goals


ISSC 386



Pages: 57-73

Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions and Goals


Assignment Instructions

Chapter 4 Summary Essay:


Complete an essay on Essays. Green IT Strategies as they relate to Drivers, Dimensions and Goals (pages 57-73 of your text).
The essay should be no less than 1000 words and make use of at least three references other than your text.
Do not resort to polemics or personal attacks and avoid the rote repetition of platitudes or dogma.
State your hypothesis and then attempt to prove it with facts not wants or feelings.


NOTE: This assignment has the classroom TII (TurnItIn) feature turned on. This means that once your assignment has been submitted to this area, it will automatically be submitted to Turnitin.com database to generate an Originality Report with an Originality Index. It takes anywhere from a minute to 24 hours (or longer) for this report to be generated and returned to the classroom assignment area. Check often to see if the report has been generated.
The acceptable criteria for the Originality Index in this course is a maximum of 15%. Which means 15% of the submitted paper has been matched with sources in the database and hence is not original to the student's work. A 0% match index is ideal and should be aimed for. In addition to the 15% maximum overall match allowance, each of your cited sources should not exceed 2%. The bibliography section of your paper is excluded from the match index by your professor after the report has been generated by filtering this portion in the report. However, each cited source must not exceed 2%.
A report exceeding 15% Match Index will get a grade of 0. Any individual source of more than 2% match will reduce the paper grade by the difference of the match and 2%. So for example, a paper with overall match index of say 5% (which is acceptable for the overall match criteria of 15% max) with an individual source matched at say 4% (which is not acceptable for an individual source criteria of 2% max) will result in a 2% reduction from the paper score of 100%. You will have the opportunity to rework your paper and resubmit one for a new report generation. Please refer to Week 1 Announcement regarding Turnitin Originality Report for more details.

Assignment Grading Criteria

 Assignment Grading Criteria

 Maximum Points

 Completes and analyzes relevant lab/activity


 Uses proper grammar, spelling and mechanics


 Timeliness & APA Style


 Total Points:




Unhelkar, B. (2011). Green IT strategies and applications: Using environmental intelligence. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor & Francis.