What is virtual reality?  The simplest explanation is that it is an alternative reality that humans create through technology. One of the most basic ways to create a virtual reality is through writin

Artifact Evaluation 4

Artifact Evaluation

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As human beings, we are always curious about many things. In as much as the earth has had many civilizations, the curiosity of our ancestors has always been there. One of the ways we get to be enlightened more about them is by the discovery of artifacts by archaeologists. The millions of the discovered antique artifacts give us a sneak peak view of the lives our ancestors lived many years back. However, some artifacts stand out by how intriguing, mystical and unique they are. In one way or another, they expand the understanding we have pertaining to the historical aspects we earlier knew about our history.

In this paper, I considered the Dead Sea Scrolls as my artifact of interest. These scrolls were discovered in the Dead Sea area as written fragments which initially formed a larger manuscript. The fragments contained both Biblical and non-biblical stories. Apart from the book of Esther, fragments of every other books of the Old Testament have been discovered (Perry, 2011). According to the Dead Seas Scrolls article published by Express UK (2018), in shedding light on scientists the scrolls give a glimpse of the past Abrahamic religions. However, the original authors of the 2000-year old scrolls are not yet known.

What is virtual reality?  The simplest explanation is that it is an alternative reality that humans create through technology. One of the most basic ways to create a virtual reality is through writin 1

An Image of the Dead Sea Fragments

I selected the Dead Sea Scrolls as my artifact of interest because they have brought a significant impact in both theology and history since their first discovery. Bible believers are usually confronted with charges that the Bible is full of mistakes arising from data inconsistencies and scribal mistakes (Brantley, 1995). The discovery of these scrolls serves as evidence to the reliability and authenticity of the Bible’s Old Testament which cleared many doubts. Research has shown that the texts in the current Bible translations used are similar to the text from these artifacts (Davis et al., 2017).


Brantley, G. K. (1995). The Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical Integrity. Reason & Revelation, 15, 25-30.

Davis, K., Rabin, I., Feldman, I., Krutzsch, M., Rimon, H., Justnes, Å., ... & Langlois, M. (2017). Nine dubious “Dead Sea Scrolls” fragments from the twenty-first century.

Dead Sea Scrolls Image. (2018). Retrieved from https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/151/590x/secondary/afp-1329944.jpg

Perry, L. (2018). Top 10 Most Important Historical Finds - Toptenz.net. Retrieved from https://www.toptenz.net/top-10-most-important-historical-finds.php