Topic: Does the Use of Social Media Tend to Improve or Harm Relationships  Conduct research from scholarly sources on each side of your issue and write a paper that includes the following:Introduc

7/7/2018 Week 3 - Assignment 1/4 W eek 3 - A ssig n m en t Sch o la rly A rg um en ts In the W eek 1 Presenting Arguments assignment, you objectively and neutrally evaluated reasoning on each side of your question from non-scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will objectively and neutrally evaluate and present the reasoning from scholarly sources on the same question. For an example of how to complete this paper , take a look at the Week Three Example paper . Conduct research from scholarly sources on each side of your issue and write a paper that includes the following: Introduction (approximately 100 words) Explain your topic and state the specific question that you are addressing (be sure to incorporate any relevant feedback you got from the instructor on your first paper). Presentation of an Argument Describe the scholarly source on one side of the issue and summarize the key points made.

(approximately 100 words) Present what you see as the main argument from that source in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words) Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source. Y ou may address questions such as: How adequately the article supports the premises with research and how strongly the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion. (approximately 200 words) Presentation of an Opposing Argument Describe the scholarly source on the other side of the issue and summarize the key points made.

(approximately 100 words) Present what you see as the main argument from that source in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words) Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source. You may address questions such as: How adequately the article supports the premises with research and how strongly the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion. (approximately 200 words) Evaluation of Arguments in Non-Scholarly and Scholarly Sources (approximately 200 words) Discuss the differences in the quality of the reasoning or in the degree of support in the sources that you analyzed ( Scholarly and Popular Resources (1) (h ttp s://a sh fo rd .m ed ia sp ace.k alt u ra .c o m /m ed ia /S ch ola rly + an d+P opula r+ R eso urc es% 281% 29/0 _u e1ih 9q t) ). Some specific types of questions you might address here include: Who is the target audience?

What types of motives may be influencing these authors? Discuss any logical fallacies in any of the sources. Conclusion (approximately 50 words) Reflect on how this activity might influence how you conduct research in the future. 7/7/2018 Week 3 - Assignment 2/4 NeedW ritingHelp.jpg Wrin g s p ecia li s ts a re h ere 2 4/7 , e ve ry d ay o f th e y e ar, r e ad y t o s up po rt y o u! Click HERE ( h ttp s://a sh fo rd .in str u ctu re .c o m /c o urs es/1 414/e xte rn al_ to ols /5 32? d is p la y= b ord erle ss) to instantly chat with an online tutor . Click HERE ( h ttp s://a sh fo rd .in str u ctu re .c o m /c o urs es/1 414/e xte rn al_ to ols /5 32? d is p la y= b ord erle ss) to submit your paper for a review . Papers are returned within 24 hours with a revision plan.

Click HERE ( m ailt o :w rit in g@ ash fo rd .e d u? su bje ct= A % 20Q uestio n% 20fo r% 20th e% 20A W C) to email us any writing questions.

For additional writing resources like Grammarly ( h ttp s://c o nte n t.b rid gep oin te d ucatio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /f ile /4 4cfa 9c0-9 498-4 229- a25d -e a3589506182/1 /G ra m marly _S etu p_In str u ctio ns_A U.p df) , click on the W riting Center tab in the left navigation pane. The Scholarly Arguments paper Must be 600 to 1,200 words in length (not including title and references pages), double spaced, and formatted according to AP A style as outlined in the APA Style ( h ttp ://w rit in gcen te r.a sh fo rd .e d u/a p a- sty le ) Must include a separate title page with the following: T itle of paper Student’ s name Course name and number Instructor ’s name Date submitted For assistance with formatting of the title page, refer to AP A Formatting for W ord 2013 (h ttp ://w rit in gcen te r.a sh fo rd .e d u/a p a-fo rm attin g-w ord -2 013) . Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. The Help! Need Article ( h ttp s://c o nte n t.b rid gep oin te d ucatio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /f ile /4 5144a02-c 983-4 f9 3-a b 66- 980b 593257d 3/1 /H elp % 20N eed % 20A rtic le .z ip /s to ry _h tm l5 .h tm l) tutorial can also assist with searching for articles. The Scholarly , Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (h ttp s://c o nte n t.b rid gep oin te d ucatio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /f ile /b 2d 6fb 25-6 29e-4 2e1-a 13e- 43b f6 7043c8a/1 /S ch ola rly % 2C % 20P eer% 20R evie w ed % 2C % 20an d% 20O th er% 20C re d ib le % 20S ourc es.d ocx) table of fers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor . Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

The Integrating Research ( h ttp s://c o nte n t.b rid gep oin te d ucatio n .c o m /c u rric u lu m /f ile /5 408ee9b - e793-4 4d 5-8 a4d -e 54b c6e72f7 4/1 /In te g ra tin g% 20R esearc h .z ip /s to ry .h tm l) tutorial will of fer further assistance with including supporting information and reasoning. 7/7/2018 Week 3 - Assignment 3/4 This tool needs to be loaded in a new browser window Must document all sources in AP A style, as outlined in the Ashford W riting Center’s Citing W ithin Your Paper ( h ttp ://b piw rit in gcen te r.p ro d.a cq uia -s it e s.c o m /c it in g-w it h in -y o ur-p ap er) . Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to AP A style. See the Formatting Your References List ( h ttp ://w rit in gcen te r.a sh fo rd .e d u/f o rm at-y o ur-r e fe re n ce-lis t) resource in the Ashford W riting Center for specifications. Carefully review the Grading Rubric ( h ttp ://a sh fo rd .w ayp oin to utc o m es.c o m /a ssessm en t/2 1522/p re vie w ) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. W ay p o in t A ssig n m en t Su b m is sio n The assignments in this course will be submitted to W aypoint. Please refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment.

1. Click on the Assignment Submission button below. The Waypoint "Student Dashboard" will open in a new browser window . 2. Browse for your assignment. 3. Click Upload . 4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week's assignment tab in Waypoint. For more detailed instructions, refer to the Waypoint T utorial (h ttp s://c o nte n t.b rid gep oin te d ucatio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /f ile /d c358708-3 d 2b -4 1a6-a 000- ff5 3b 3cc3794/1 /W ayp oin t% 20Tu to ria l.p df) ( h ttp s://c o nte n t.b rid gep oin te d ucatio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /f ile /d c358708-3 d 2b -4 1a6-a 000- ff5 3b 3cc3794/1 /W ayp oin t% 20Tu to ria l.p df) .The s e ssio n f o r t h is t o ol h as e xp ir e d . P le ase r e lo ad t h e p ag e t o a cce ss t h e t o ol a g ain 7/7/2018 Week 3 - Assignment 4/4