While the realist perspective focuses on the balance of power, the liberal perspective focuses on the role of institutions, and the identity perspective focuses on ideas over power, “the critical th
Unit 2 [MT435: Operations Management ] Page 1 of 3 Assignment: Quality Management and Lean Systems Paper In the modern world, business es and individuals need t o optimize their eff orts to gain eff ectiveness and eff icienc y. Also, c onc epts of sustainabilit y, continuous impr ovement, and pr oc esses that ensur e incr eas ed value ar e c onsider ed to tr ack oper ations management t owards success. Many of the t er ms of qualit y managem ent and lean syst ems come fr om Japanes e cultur e and language, due t o Dr. W . Edwar ds D eming’s r es earch occurring in Japan. D eming is of ten ref err ed to as T he F at her of Quality due t o his f oundational r ole in the establishment of Qualit y Management. Directions In this Assignme nt, you will compos e and inf or mative ess ay in a minimum of 3-f ull pages in which you specif ic ally addr ess the parts listed below. Make sur e t o include s epar at e title and ref er enc es pages, us e standar d par agr aph structur e, double spac ing, 12 -point Times N ew R oman f ont, and f ollow all other AP A 6th edition f or matting and citation guidelines. C onduct res earch fr om credible peer -r eviewed s ources, the Libr ar y, and your textbook to support your res pons es. Part 1: Examine t he business c onc epts of qualit y management and lean s yst ems pr ovided below: Quality M an ag ement 1. Dimensions of Quality 2. Cost of Quality 3. Six Sigma 4. ISO 5. Quality tools Lean Systems 1. JIT 2. Lean Production 3. Kanban 4. Kaizen 5. Poka -yoke Part 2: Select one c onc ept fr om eac h of the lists above and c ompos e your paper t o include: ● One aspect of qualit y management ● One aspect of lean syst ems Part 3: Clos e your paper with the f ollowing obs er vations fr om your res earch: T he import anc e of Deming’s res earch t o the f oundation of qualit y, and what you c ould do now, t o implement the c onc epts you select ed, to your own lif e and work. Unit 2 [MT435: Operations Management ] Page 2 of 3 S CM S t an d ar d R eq u ir emen t s T his Assignment s hould be a s ep ar at e MS W or d document, pr ef er ably in the most c urr ent .doc x f ile f or mat. In addition t o t he APA 6th edition st yle title page and r ef er enc e page; ens ur e your paper covers the assigned t opics, with a f ocus on qualit y. T h e f ollowing it ems pr ovid e additional guidanc e as t o writing expect ations. R espond t o t he questions in a t hor ough manner, pr oviding specif ic examples of c onc epts, topics, def initions, and ot her elements asked f or in the questions. Your paper should be highly or ganized, logic al, and f ocus ed. It must be writt en in St andard English; dem onstr ating exc eptional c ont ent, organization, st yle, gr am mar, and mechanics. Your paper should pr ovide a clearly established sustained viewpoint and purpose. Your writing should be well order ed, logic al, and unified; as well as original and insightf ul. Ensur e your paper us es APA 6th edition f ormat f or cont ent, with pr operly indent ed par agr aphs, and a minimum of 3 f ull pages c overing the assigned t opics to appr opriat e dept h. A s eparate page at the end of your r es earch paper should cont ain a list of ref erences, in AP A 6th edition f ormat. Us e your textbook, t he Libr ar y, and the internet for credible res earch. Ensure you have at a minimum three quality ref erenc es supporting your work: defining words, or using dictionaries, wikis, or encyclopedias, does not count as a quality ref erenc e, or meet university standards f or credible online research. B e sur e t o cit e bot h in -text and r ef er enc e list cit ations wer e appr opriat e and ref er enc e all sourc es. Your s ourc es and c ont ent should f ollow pr oper APA citat ion style. R eview the AP A 6th edition f or matting and citation st yle f ound at the W riting C ent er. (T he W riting C ent er can be acc essed in Ac ademic T ools. Click on AP A C entral, then on " W rit e" at the bott om of the page.) (It should include a c over sheet, paper is double spac ed, in T imes N ew R oman 12 - point f ont, corr ect citations, Standar d English with no spelling or punctuation err ors, and corr ect r ef er ences at the bott om of the last page.) *P leas e n ot e: Pr of ess or s do h av e ac ad emic f r eed om t o m odif y Ass ignm ent s and r equir em ent s t o mitigat e ag ainst c heat ing and plagiar is m, and help wit h st ud ent lear ning. Directions for Sub mitting Y our Pap er W rit e your paper in a Micr os of t W ord document and s ave it in a location that includes your name and the title. S ubmit your paper to the Unit 2: Assignment Dr opbox. Unit 2 [MT435: Operations Management ] Page 3 of 3 MT 435 Unit 2 Assign ment: Quality M anag ement and Lean Systems Pap er Content (50%) 30 pts. (3 Full P ages of C ont ent) Points Possible Points Earned S elect one Q ualit y Management c onc ept (s elect one of the f ive it ems listed) and discuss its implications to include the f indings of your study and r es earch. 10 S elect one Lean S yst ems conc ept (select one of the five it ems listed) and discuss its implications t o include the f indings of your study and res earch. 10 Make obs er vations r elat ed t o the import ance of D eming’s r es earch to the f oundation of qualit y, and what you c ould do now, t o implement the c onc epts you select ed, to your own lif e and work. 10 Analysis (30%) 18 pts. W ork demonstr at es synthesis of conc epts, res earch, and experience. 6 W ork demonstr at es the student’s abilit y t o tie r elevant inf ormation to real lif e applications. 6 Analysis exc eeds basic compr ehension t o demonstr at e higher order thinking. 6 Writing (20%) 12 pts. C orr ect us e of APA 6 th edition f ormat, all s ourc es used t o support the paper ar e r ef er enc ed, thr ee r ef er enc es minimum 4 S ent enc es ar e clear, c oncise, and dir ect; tone is appr opriat e 4 Spelling, gr ammar, and punctuation ar e c orr ect 4 T otal 60