Thesis and sample outline belowYou will submit a sentence outline of your research paper, following the example in this week's reading. The student example is attached here.   Your outline must incl


Supply Chain and Climate Change

Coll300 D001

Part A

Supply Chain and Climate Change


The supply chain in any organization is very crucial as it determines the flow of products right from the manufacturing stage to when the customer receives the products. The supply chain also plays an important role when it comes to climate change (Haverkort & Verhagen, 2008). It may reduce or increase the emissions that an organization is responsible for. Most organizations in the world are trying to subvert climate change. Supply chain managers have a great role to play in ensuring that an organization’s operations are not affected negatively by the tremendous climate changes that are being experienced every day.

Part B

The main research questions that led to the thesis are ‘what are the major roles that supply chain have in climate change?’ and ‘what are the roles of the supply chain manager when it comes to climate change?’. The major purpose of writing the paper was to show how the supply chain of an organization impacts climate change. Before writing this paper, I am already aware that the supply chain within an organization may either reduce or increase the emissions that an organization is responsible for. Most people are aware that supply chain managers are standing up and fighting against climate change (Halldórsson & Kovács, 2010). They feel that it is important that supply chain managers need to lead the war in climate change. The readers need to have a clear understanding of how supply chain and climate change relate so as to understand the topic. The major sections to research are the roles of supply chain manager and supply chain management have on climate change. This will be the major sectors that I will be focusing on the topics.

Haverkort, A. J., & Verhagen, A. (2008). Climate change and its repercussions for the potato supply chain. Potato Research51(3-4), 223.

Halldórsson, Á., & Kovács, G. (2010). The sustainable agenda and energy efficiency: Logistics solutions and supply chains in times of climate change. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management40(1/2), 5-13.