Hi, about the proposal (ABC case study)u sent me yesterday, would I be able to finish the assignment in 4 hrs? The assigned tutor have not come back with the answer although I stated the deadline to b

BUS356 2018


ABC Ltd made a takeover bid for all the issued voting shares of XYZ Ltd offering three ABC Ltd shares for every two XYZ Ltd shares. The offer from ABC Ltd was accepted by 90% of the shareholders of XYZ Ltd. The date control was obtained by ABC Ltd was deemed to be 1 January 20X7. The following information is available.

(a) Shareholders’ equity of XYZ Ltd at balance date on 31 December 20X6:


Share capital (200,000) shares 200

General reserve 300

Retained earnings 150


(b) Market value of each entity’s shares at 1 January 20X7

ABC Ltd $3.20

XYZ Ltd $4.00

(c) In XYZ Ltd’s accounting records, land was stated at $200,000 below its cost to the group. This is to be accounted for as a consolidation adjustment. Statements of comprehensive income and statements of financial position of ABC Ltd and XYZ Ltd for the year ended 31 December 20X8 are as follows:

Statements of Comprehensive Income


$000 $000

Sales 5000 2000

Cost of sales 2570 1025

Gross profit 2430 975

Dividend revenue   252     -

2682 975

Expenses  2057 300

Operating profit before tax 625 675

Income tax expense    280   260

Operating profit after tax 345 415


$000 $000

Retained earnings at 1.1.X8 294 200

Profit for the year 345 415

Interim dividend paid (100) (150)

Final dividend declared   (160)   (200)

Retained earnings at 31.12.X8     379     265

Statements of Financial Position


$000 $000


Current assets

Other current assets     385     395

Total current assets     385     395

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment     550     750

Investments     864         -

Total non-current assets   1414    750

Total assets 1799 1145


Current liabilities

Trade and other payables 60 180

Provision for final dividend     160     200

Total current liabilities     220     380

Total liabilities     220     380

Net assets   1579     765

Shareholder’s equity

Share capital 1200 200

General reserve         -    300

Retained earnings     379     265

Total equity   1579     765

Additional information

  1. ABC Ltd records dividend revenue in the accounting period when the cash is received.

  1. The final dividend declared by XYZ Ltd for the 20X7 year was $130,000 and it was paid on 1 March 20X8.

  1. Impairment losses for goodwill arising on acquisition had not been recognised in any of the previous years’ consolidated financial statements. The directors of ABC Ltd are of the opinion an impairment loss of $10 000 will be recognised in relation to its investment in XYZ Ltd in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20X8.

  1. Inter-company sales for 20X8

        Cost Sales Price

From ABC and XYZ $300 000 $500 000

From XYZ to ABC $200 000 $350 000

  1. In relation to the inventory sales in (d) above, inventory held by ABC Ltd and purchased from XYZ Ltd is as follows:

        Cost Sales Price

    1. As at 1 Jan 2008 $50 000 $120 000

    2. As at 31 Dec 2008 $75 000 $150 000

  1. The rate of company income tax is 30%.

  2. Assume the directors of ABC Ltd have adopted the full goodwill method.


  1. For the accounting records of ABC Ltd show the general journal entries to record:

    1. the acquisition of the shares in XYZ Ltd on 1 January 20X7.

    2. the dividend received from XYZ in 20X8 but proposed by XYZ Ltd in 20X7; and

    3. the interim dividend received from XYZ Ltd in 20X8.

(3 marks)

  1. Prepare the consolidated financial statements at 31 December 20X8.

Show all consolidation journal entries and a worksheet and all workings for the calculation of NCI.

The consolidated financial statements should be presented in the same manner your textbook presents them.

(20 marks)

  1. Explain the partial and the full goodwill methods. In your discussion list the advantages and disadvantages of using each method. (2 marks)