Discuss the importance of user technology security education within organizations. What topics should be included in security education and training?  Directions:Students are required to post one or

These days, each firm highest priority is providing training to its employees regarding security awareness. This training provides orientation to IT related issues and employees are taught what measures to undertake when facing such issues. It’s common now that the attacker is targeting an employee of an organization while pretending to be someone else. The goal is to convince the employee to give up some of company confidential secrets which they can use to target the organization. If that doesn’t work they try to make you click on malware or spam email which can give them access to your system. To counter all this, the organization should install a firewall plus give proper training to its employees to reduce data being exposed. The management should devise a policy to tackle these types of threats and implement steps to counter them. 

The new employees should have a mandatory training related to security threats and how to tackle them. There should be some reward policy in place for those employees who can point and stop those threats. Something related to employee of the month. Top level management should have a more tailored education program. Executives often face threats like hate messages or someone physically targeting them due to their importance in the company. So, each executive should have a specific security measure in place. Inform the end user of cyber threats regularly and test them by simulating phishing mails to them. That way they will be always on alert. Provide just in time training to those who aren’t passing the simulations and keep repeating till they clear it.

Management should understand the importance of IT and how it can help tackle cyber related threats. Managers should be dedicated on safeguarding its employees from cyber threats and educating everyone in the organization.


Use Security Education and Awareness Programs to Your Advantage. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/microsoftsecure/2016/10/26/use-security-education-and-awareness-programs-to-your-advantage/