Using the Annotated Bibliography format provide a detailed review of six qualitative articles. As you review articles with the focus of your research question you may need to select alternative studie

SCHOOL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Using the Annotated Bibliography format provide a detailed review of six qualitative articles. As you review articles with the focus of your research question you may need to select alternative studie 1

Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography provides an overview of the evidence selected for a specific topic. The selected sources provides support for the focus you have determined as essential for your topic. A critical review of each source is completed to provide a foundation for a discussion. The format for an annotated bibliography includes the reference information followed by a paragraph or more of discussion. You can modify the criteria included in the annotated bibliography based on the needs of your study. You can organize the annotated bibliography a number of ways: by theme, chronologically to demonstrate how the research has changed or advanced over the years, and by conceptual or theoretical framework.

Initially, you will want to arrange in alphabetical order. You may want to keep a separate list of just the references at the end to avoid reviewing that same article twice. You may decide to use the article later and can locate the source much quicker. You can then begin to organize by theme or other category as they emerge.

Use headings to identify the key groups of literature. You may want to write a paragraph description for each area to formalize your intent. This will help keep your searches on topic.

Note: You may want to create a folder on your computer to store the pdf of each article for future reference.


Use APA formatting for the reference information. This will facilitate proper citing of sources and completion of the reference list. You will present the reference followed by a critical and informative review of your source.

There are various templates available online for an Annotated Bibliography. You can modify the criteria presented based on the needs of your study. You may include but are not limited to the following:

  • APA reference

  • aim or focus of the study

  • identify the stakeholders or audience for the study

  • when and where the study was conducted

  • criteria and conceptual framework for the study

  • research methods, as well, as strengths, weaknesses, and limitations

  • highlight findings and important implications for practice or research

  • compare to other studies

  • link or relate to your study

Sample Entry

(1) Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. 

(2) Author (year) highlight factors relevant to good writing. She examined 50 participants in middle school administration. The sample and location of the study are important. (3) The research methods are useful and any limitations. Identify the theoretical or conceptual framework used in the study. (4) Describe the findings and highlight which are most relevant to your study (5) Compare the study to the work of others (6) Link or relate to your study.