Making a Differential DiagnosisPrior to beginning work on this assignment, please read Chapter 1: Differential Diagnosis Step by Step in DSM-5: Handbook of Differential Diagnosis and review the same c

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Differential Diagnosis

Heather Yant

PSY 645 Psychopathology

Instructor: Shirley Sexton


The contextual study is about Julia, a student who figured out how to get a scholarship because of her praiseworthy in sports. As per the contextual analysis, Julia needs to keep up sport body stances, yet that inclination has prompted the eating condition. Julia has a mind-boggling apprehension of putting on weight or getting to be fat. The reason for this thoughtful analysis is to distinguish side effects and conduct showed by the patients, coordinate perceived signs to potential issue in the symptomatic manual and later propose finding light of the patient's side effects and criteria recorded for the scatters in the analytic manual. Her main issue is of gaining body weight despite her losing a lot of pressure.

Julia has an issue of including weight notwithstanding when she is losing it because of her adoration for sports. She appears to have Pocrescophobia. Pocrescophobia is the dreary and irrational fear of putting on weight. This is likewise equivalent to Obesophobia, the dread of getting to be fat or being large.

This fear frequently originates from other mental issues, which will be examined additionally down below. (Clinton, D.2012). It is regularly individuals who are forced to be fit and thin that build up this fear, for example, sports competitors which she is. This fear is usually found in ladies, albeit numerous men have this fear too.

Julia’s indications of Pocrescophobia will shift starting with her then onto the next, contingent on her perspective, level of dread, and different identity attributes. General indications, however, incorporate evasion of sustenance, fixation on weight reduction, shirking of scales, blame when eating, and not feeling hungry.

Pocrescophobia could likewise prompt the creation of different dietary problems, in particular, Bulimia nervosa or Anorexia nervosa. Bulimia is where the Julia gorges and afterward cleanses quickly after, as a rule without anyone else's input actuated spewing. In Julia’s case Bulimia is not mentioned. Anorexia, then again, is where she does not eat. Both of these could likewise be combined with over the top exercise.

Fear of putting on weight can assume control over your life. It can be a constant nervousness that stews in your headspace. It resembles somebody has increased the volume handle, and the power and recurrence of on edge contemplations about eating, sustenance and weight pick up are primarily inescapable.

Julia dreads begin to seize her life. She winds up dreadful of going out with companions since she gets a handle on control of eating and drinking in social circumstances. Her dread of moment weight picks up turns into a purposeful reality, detaining her in her home, and in her mind.

As her negative musings shoot in her mind, it resembles they increase and afterward replay themselves. The more they rehash, the more settled in her progress toward becoming in her contrary reasoning and practices. She feels powerless to break this negative cycle of thinking and dreadfulness that if she does, she will put on weight.

Self-perception winds up honed, more brutal, and your systematic eye passes judgment on her for any misstep where she indulges. Julia has to remain thin. It means the world to her. By one means or another, she has built her self-esteem to be dependent upon staying thin. (Wildes, J. E.2013). This means appealing and great; weight pickup implies fat and disappointment. The more prominent her dread of putting on weight, the more basic Julia is on her body shape and size.

There are two primary topics to center around in treatment. 1) we have to comprehend why her self-esteem is so low and help her fabricate a center of more prominent self-confidence, confidence and self-assurance 2) we have to help Julia as she deconstructs her contrary reasoning and helps her manufacture an inward exchange that backings positive change.

Julia is far beyond her weight. Give us a chance to hold her dread and nervousness, and together we can arrange to recover her life. We will move at her pace, with extra special care, so she genuinely incorporates change enroute. Pocrescophobia can be exceptionally dubious and will be unique about one individual to another. Once more, Pocrescophobia frequently happens nearby a dietary issue, for example, Bulimia or Anorexia. (Berthoz, S.2015). While the fear can prompt these conditions, Julia is additionally mentally inclined to creating them. For her, the fear of putting on weight is probably going to occur. The symptoms identified through clinical interview and assessment may be compared to the DSM-V diagnostic criteria. The diagnostic manual offers better and effective methods of evaluating the patient based on the condition as it helps to avoid misdiagnosis or underdiagnosed because the patient will be evaluated and recommended for treatment based on the presenting symptoms.

Treatments will likewise fluctuate from individual to individual. Frequently, treatment involves different types of treatment that can help get to the base of the fear, additionally treat it. Social therapy is furthermore an astonishing technique for building confidence.

Pharmaceutical is valuable for treating tension, and different side effects (ex. fast heart rate, breathing troubles, and so forth.). This can be gone up against a regular schedule or quietly amid a fit of anxiety.

According to the case study, Julia showcases symptoms of anorexia nervosa disorder. The symptoms which can be identified include excessive exercise to shed some weight, strict diet or failing to eat even when she is getting thinner.

In conclusion, recovery places for dietary issues are an incredible method to battle Pocrescophobia. These foci offer a warm and consoling condition to the individuals who fear to put on weight or have low confidence.


Birgegård, A., Norring, C., & Clinton, D. (2012). DSM‐IV versus DSM‐5: Implementation of proposed DSM‐5 criteria in a large naturalistic database. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45(3), 353-361.

Courty, A., Godart, N., Lalanne, C., & Berthoz, S. (2015). Alexithymia, a compounding factor for eating and social avoidance symptoms in anorexia nervosa. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 56, 217-228.

Racine, S. E., & Wildes, J. E. (2013). Emotion dysregulation and symptoms of anorexia nervosa: The unique roles of lack of emotional awareness and impulse control difficulties when upset. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46(7), 713-720.