Then, read your classmates' posts and respond to at least four classmates. In your responses, remember these tips for strong responses:Mention something specific from your classmates' post that you ar

Destinee Riley 

Unit 3 Language


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 Is it important to have an official " standard " language or dialect in the U.S? Why or Why not? 

Different people travel from across the world to the United States and have known us mainly for the language we speak which is very clear and simple to us , but it may be a problem for immigrants to learn our language so.... they continue to speak what they know . It is not required that you speak English here but learning it would help you understand a lot more on what's going on , as in knowing where you are , voting , and grocery shopping . Also being able to pay attention to your surroundings.  Our standard language is important because everyone cannot speak nor understand other languages so we have to set a main language to use for everyone no matter the ethnicity. The language and dialect sets the tone in the U.S , it really is safe for everyone to learn once they travel or move here. So yes , I agree that having an official " standard " language or dialect is important to have in the U.S. 

Claire Haggarty 

Week 3


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I believe that the languages and dialects that we speak at home greatly differ than the ones that we would use in settings with our friends, work, school, etc.  Generally speaking, I use a much more relaxed way of speaking with my friends than I would with say my parents or with a boss.  People tend to use more slang and relaxed speech with their friend groups.  In the way of families, it can still be a bit relaxed, all depending on your own family dynamic, but not as relaxed as it would be with your friends.  In my family, we spoke casually but we would never dream of swearing or using certain terms when around our parents.  Going a step further, at school, we were expected to speak a bit more formally and respectfully to our teachers, however, around just classmates, it would return to the relaxed, slang-filled speech.  Finally, at work people are expected to speak professionally with proper dialect.  

Marilyn Jules 

Unit 3 Language


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The languages I speak are different, depending on my environment. For me it is like being a chameleon. I can change and adjust to any environment. At work you are a professional, so you choose to speak with correct English. Think about it, it’s your boss not you best friend for grade school. With friends, since that is my time to relax and let go, speaking correctly isn’t that important. We tend to run words together, or say only half the word, or we sometimes use words others are not familiar with. While at home since there is no one judging my behavior. I absolutely try to speak and pronounce my word clearly. Toddlers are like sponges the absorb it all. Whether they choose to switch it up or not I want them to present them selves with professionalism. In this world you must learn how to adjust. I am a mom, wife, and student. I must wear many hats throughout the day. I amaze myself somedays, maybe my true calling was to be an actress

Ashley Jackson 

Week 3 Discussion


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Is it important to have an official standard language or dialect in the U.S. why or why not?

I feel it is important to have a standard language or dialect in the U.S. , because the majority of Americans speak English. English is taught through out our educational system. I understand we have a lot of foreigner's in our country and it might be difficult to learn English. When we travel to their countries we have to communicate the best way we can using their language. I think having a standard language makes things easier to adapt to your surroundings.  The U.S. have adapted so many cultures because we have many different nationalities and we cannot accommodate all of them so having a standard language makes everyone accepted. 

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