write Outcomes/Job Description?how my current courses information system security and project management is related to my job?can some one write 2pages document using my resume 



[email protected]


  • Over three years of experience in both manual and automated software Quality Assurance Testing of client-server and web-based applications and Backend testing, Object oriented analysis design and development of multi-tier architectural based web applications, with in-depth understanding.

  • Extensive Knowledge of Quality Assurance standards, methodologies and strategies with better understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

  • Worked in Benefits Configuration, Claims processing, and Prescription drug code.

  • Specialized in Drug Cost Validation, QA Functional Knowledge

  • Experienced in Salesforce.com Apex Classes, Apex triggers, Visual force, Force.com API. Hands on experience in developing and deploying custom integration Salesforce.com CRM solution.

  • Experience in creating Test Plans, writing and executing Test Cases, Manual Testing, and automated Test Execution.

  • Excellent experience in developing Test Scenarios, Test cases, Test Scripts and Test reports for Manual as well as Automated testing for various applications to ensure proper business compliance.

  • Extensive experience in GUI, Regression, Functional, Integration, System, User Acceptance (UAT), Sanity, Performance, Stress, Reliability, compatibility, Cross Browser, Security and Database Testing.

  • Good analytical and communication skills and ability to work independently with minimal supervision and also perform as part of a team.

  • Highly motivated team player with analytical, organizational and technical skills, unique ability to adapt quickly to challenges and changing environment.

  • Excellent interpersonal skills, proven team player with an analytical bent to problem solving and delivering under high stress environment.


Silicon Valley University

(Masters in Computer Science)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, India

Bachelors in Computer Science Engineering.


Testing Tools

Selenium Web Driver/IDE/RC, J behave, Cucumber, SOAP UI, X Path



Test Framework

J unit, Testing, Data Driven Framework, MVC

IDE & Build Tools

Eclipse, Ant, Maven

Continuous Integration Tools

Jenkins, Hudson

Bug Tracking Tools

JIRA, Quality Center (QC), Bug Zilla

Source Version Control Tool

Subversion (SVN), Git


SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, My SQL

Operating Systems

Windows (XP, Vista & 7, 8) , LINUX, UNIX, Mac OS


Service Mode Application August 2016-Till Date


Description: Service Mode application allows the service personnel to detect the faults within the laboratory analyzers that are used to analyze the blood samples easily by running the analyzer in service mode without moving the analyzer out of the laboratory. We designed various tests to check the functionality of the analyzer.

Role: Software Engineer in test


  • Analyzed the Business Requirements Document, put input in Test Plan and prepared detailed Test Cases for new functionality.

  • Worked with Claim Processing, Prescription drug code and drug cost validation.

  • Specialized in QA Functional Knowledge

  • Responsible for the analysis, design and the implementation of the project application.

  • Have thorough knowledge on SFDC UI concepts and created and edited UI/page layouts & views.

  • Have worked on SFDC Reports and Dashboard functionalities.

  • Done Integration testing between SFDC with other applications like Siebel and Oracle.

  • Done UI testing for Visual force pages created with Custom Controllers.

  • Responsible in testing different territories in Salesforce.com.

  • Involved in Salesforce.com setup activities and customized the apps to match the functional needs of the organization.

  • Updated Test Plans and Test Cases periodically to manage changes in requirements.

  • Uploaded test cases executed test cases and logged defects in Mercury Quality Center.

  • Reported software defects in Quality Center and interacted with the developers to resolve technical issues.

  • Followed Agile testing methodology, participated in daily SCRUM meetings and testing each SPRINT deliverables.

  • Tested applications in diverse types of browsers and versions, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome to simulate production environment.

  • Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and discussed Enhancement and Modification Request issues and defects in the application.

Environment: HTML, XML, Git Hub, agile, Quality center, Coded UI, Test Manager, and Windows.

Company: Envirta Technologies LLC, VA. Sep 2015 – Aug 2016

Role: Software Engineer in test


  • Analysis of functional specifications and designing Test Plans, Test cases for Functional Testing.

  • Actively participation in GUI testing, Functional testing, System testing, Smoke and Sanity Testing.

  • Involved in integration testing of different modules.

  • Modification and execution of Test case Scripts (Java-Selenium RC) in Eclipse IDE, design of automation test framework (J unit).

  • Wrote test cases and performed Manual Testing like Positive Testing and Negative Testing, Regression, Integration, Unit Testing.

  • Performed records, enhanced, and plays back test in Fire fox using Selenium IDE.

  • Performed requirements Analysis, Risk analysis, Dependency Analysis and Issues/Problems Analysis.

  • Defects were tracked, reviewed, analyzed and compared using Quality Center.

  • Interaction with developers to report software bugs and re-test the fixed issues.

  • Involved in Creating check lists for testing team.

Environment: Java, Junit, Selenium RC/IDE, JavaScript, HTML, XPath, Web server, Eclipse, Quality Center and Oracle, SQL, PL/ SQL, Windows

Company: Seismic Technologies, India. Dec 2012 - june 2013

  1. Role: QA Tester


  • Performed Manual/Automated tests via navigation and workflow of the application.

  • Writing and reviewing test cases to validate the functionality of all the modules.

  • Designed Test scripts using Win Runner.

  • Integration testing of all the features and functionalities.

  • Regression testing of the various builds of the application manually.

  • Analyzing reports and suggesting changes in the application and monitoring them.

  • Sending Issues to manager by tracking the bugs.

  • Performing system testing on each build.

  • Coordinating between clients, developers, team members and review meetings.

Environment: Manual testing, Quality Center, HTML, XML, JavaScript, Windows.