Annotated Bibliography 1. Araujo, Walter. amp;Punishing Cyberbullies: Using Supreme Court Guidance Beyond Tinker To Protect Students And School...

                                                            Annotated Bibliography 

1. Araujo, Walter. "Punishing Cyberbullies: Using Supreme Court Guidance Beyond   

Tinker To Protect Students And School Officials." Thomas Jefferson Law Review  

34.2 (2012): 325-372. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10, August 2016.  

Walter Araujo's article concentrates principally in transit harassing is clear through   

Online networking and electronic correspondence. The primary focuses are the way digital harassing upsets peace in the classroom, regardless of whether that damages the privilege to free discourse, and the general impacts of digital tormenting on the casualties.   

This article most likely won't be exceptionally valuable for my own particular paper in light of the fact that my core interest is not as much on digital harassing as it is on tormenting inside schools and how it ought to be taken care of on a more widespread premise.

2. Bullying-free schools (microform). United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. US Government printing office, 2014.  

This article examines solutions to create bullying free schools by focusing on how local, states and federal efforts can help. June 8, 2012 (Des Moines, IA). 

3. "Bullying." Kid’s health-the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. The Nemours Foundation, n.d. Retrieved from: July 28, 2016. 

This website has several articles for teachers, parents, and children. These articles are age specific for recommendations for prevention and solutions. The article also has statistics on bullying in schools for specific ages. 

4. Espinoza, Galina, Bob Meadows, and Lorna Grisby. "Bully Pulpit." People 58.18  

(2002): 73. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10, August 2016. 

This article is about the previous Miss America, Erika Harold, her encounters being harassed, and the routes in which she managed it. Its center is more as a memoir as opposed to a contention proposition.  

Starting right now, I don't think this article will help with my paper in light of the fact that in spite of the fact that it is significant, I feel that it will likely be excessively particular for me, making it impossible to have the capacity to utilize at the point when contending to bolster stricter discipline against harassing. Be that as it may, it might serve as a great case when composing my paper. 


5. Essex, Nathan. "Bullying and School Liability-Implications for School Personnel." 

                 Clearing House 84.5 (2011): 192-196. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 August.  


The article, "bullying and School Liability-Implications For School Personnel" by Essex, has many positions that show just how severe the issue of bullying and intimidation is and agrees with the thought that school administrators need to take the responsibility of these bullying acts. The article also gives examples and defines the effects of bullying. 

The article will be helpful for my research paper because it has plenty of antidotes of bullying that were mishandled. As a result of this mishandling, students were subjected to even more serious violence. This article attributes to the more substantial evidence as to why schools need a more sound and structured set of rules and punishments for bullying acts. 

6. Fast, Johnathan. Beyond Bullying: Breaking the Cycle of Shame, Bullying, and Violence. New York, NY: Oxford University Press (2016).  

This book shows "failures in shame management: school shootings and acts of domestic terrorism." The author attempts to show that these horrific acts of violence stems from bullying.  

This book will be useful in helping prove the psychological effects of bullying on school age children. The facts from this book will help disprove the notion that bullying causes no long term effects. 


7. Goldblum, P., Espelage, D., Chu, J., Bongue, B. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press (2015). Youth Suicide and Bullying: Challenges and Strategies for Prevention and Intervention. 

This book will be useful because it shows a connection between bullying and suicide in ethnic minority populations. The author shows the effects of bullying and possible protective factors. Also the book shows how to prevent school-wide bullying by using prevention programs and recommendations for practice, policy and training on challenges. 

8."How Your School Can Prevent Bullying." Curriculum Review 36. (1997): 5. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 10, August 2016.  

This interview showcases how important and how misunderstood the problems of bullying really are in schools and in the public eye. The interview also helps others understand how to recognize bullying in schools and how to implicate a way to deal with such actions.  

9. Kuykendall, Sally. Bullying. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, c2012. 

This book shows data from research and personal experiences of interactions within the environment of schools. The author also notes interviews of parents, teachers, school officials, and children to get more evidence based prevention and treatment ideas. 

10. Limber, Susan P., and Mark A. Small. "State Laws and Policies to Address Bullying  

In Schools." School Psychology Review 32.3 (2003): 445-455. Academic Search  

Premier. Web. 10 Aug. 2016. 

This article focuses on the measures that are being considered in enactment for managing harassing in schools. It likewise recommends courses in which enactment and school  

Organization can address instances of harassing. 

This would be to a great degree helpful for composing my paper in light of the fact that the contention is fundamentally the same as the contention that will be introduced in my paper, and it gives numerous strong cases and arrangements identified with the topic of regardless of whether there ought to be a government law to address tormenting. 


11. Lynch, John, et al. "Socioeconomic Inequality in Exposure to Bullying During  

Adolescence: A Comparative, Cross-Sectional, Multilevel Study in 35 Countries."  

American Journal of Public Health 99.5 (2009): 907-912. Academic Search  

Premier. Web. 7, August, 2016.  

This article is about studies done with a specific end goal to decide gatherings of kids at higher danger for harassing in view of their financial positions and nation, it is principally reviews taken crosswise over 35 nations and conclusions came to about the relationship amongst class and harassing.  

This article may help me when composing my contention exposition, particularly in the event that I center on results particular to America and contrast them with different nations, conceivably with diverse arrangements concerning bullying.  

12. Markow, Dana, and Jordan Fein. From Teasing to Torment: School Climate in  

America: A Survey of Students and Teachers. New York, NY: Harris Interactive,  

2005. Print. 

This book basically comprises of overviews with respect to tormenting in schools from the points of view of both understudies and instructors, with a particular segment devoted to the tormenting of understudies identified with their sexual personality.  

This book will presumably help with my contention paper since it gives strong factual confirmation to bolster cases of how genuine and conspicuous tormenting is inside the school environment. It is likewise extremely helpful as a result of the perspectives it gives from educators' points of view.  

13. Mishna, Faye. Bullying: A Guide to Research, Intervention, and Prevention/ Faye Mishna. Oxford: New York: Oxford University Press, c2012. 

This book provides definitions, up to date information and contrasts. The book also explores family and social factors influencing bullying today. The author covers interventions, treatments, and preventions.  

This source will be useful in helping to explain the preventions methods that need to be taken. 

14. Piehl, Norah. Detroit: Bullying.  Greenhaven Press, c 2009. 

This book has a number of antidotal cases on bullying and how they were handled. The book also shows how bullying starts at any early age. 

This source will be useful in proving that bullying starts at an early age and the effects of long term bullying. 

15. STOMP Out Bullying." Help Stop Bullying and Cyberbullying. Web. July 28, 2016. Retrieved from 

STOMP Out Bullying is a resource that will provide some solutions and recommendations to stop bullying, as well as strategies for parents and schools to be made aware of signs of bullying. Stomp out bullying--Ross Ellis who has become a leading expert in the areas of bullying and a media commentator has grown STOMP Out Bullying into the leading national bullying prevention organization for kids and teens in the U.S. Today STOMP Out 

Bullying is recognized as the most influential anti-bullying organization in America and beyond. 


16. US Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Find out what happened. Retrieved from: 

July 28, 2016.  

Child welfare League of America is a group of professionals that speak and write articles dealing with all issues for all children. They have evidence based research results on org/ has articles and publications that will provide evidence and statements about bullying and its effects on children. 

One publication is called ‘Children’s Voice” the article is titled “Bullying: Recognizing it as a 

form of abuse.”  

17. Vernberg, Eric, Biggs, Bridgett. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.  

This book uses research based evidence to show "the bully-victim problems has accumulated rapidly in recent years." The author shows that the risks for many aspects of development are high.  

This author will help this paper prove "new directions for understanding this complex problem and for enhancing intervention approaches.  

18. Witted, Kathryn S., and David R. Dupper. "Best Practices For Preventing Or  

Reducing Bullying In Schools." Children & Schools 27.3 (2005): 167-175.  

Academic Search Premier. Web. 11, August 2016. 

"Best Practices For Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools" exhibits the principle thoughts of the diverse sorts of harassing and how they can be recognized, the effect tormenting has on both casualties and spooks, and the impact harassing can have on the school environment has an entirety.  

This article will be helpful when composing my paper since it particularly addresses the issue of tormenting on the environments in schools, and how negative this variable can be on instruction by and large. 

19. Young, Ellie L., America E. Boye, and David A. Nelson. "Relational Aggression: Understanding, Identifying, and Responding In Schools." Psychology Schools 43.3 (2006): 297-312. Academic Search Premier. Web. `11, August 2016. 

 Young's article contrasts the physical abuses and "manipulation among friendships."  The article shows the thought that verbal abuse in relationships is a big factor that leads to psychological problems of inadequacy as a result of bullying. Young has many statistics about the aggression of girls within schools.  

This article will be useful because it gives another view of bullying that also adds relationships and friendship aggression. This is helpful for the paper because it helps show all different behaviors that can cause an inferiority complex as a result or effect of bullying.  

20. Zirkel,P.1. "Public school Student Bullying And Suicidal Behaviors: A Fatal nation?" Journal Of Law & Education 42.4 (2013): 633-652. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 11, August 2016. 

This article shows the correlation between bullying and the rate of suicide of those bullied. Also it helps show ideas on how school officials could and should take responsibility for helping stop bullying in schools. Government and school administrators are shown a way to handle bullying in this article.  

This article will be helpful in this paper due to the fact that it shows how important it is for school leaders to take responsibility and use due process to come up with a plan that works for dealing with bullies.