Kindly note: It has to be a postgraduate level writing, no thin content and absolutely cross checked grammar Instructions: You will prepare a proposed cyber policy or legislation to ensure the cyber

Running head: Roles of International Law, the State, and the Private Sector in Cyberspace 0

Government and Industry Roles in Cybersecurity

August 1, 2018

Government and the Cyber Sector-HLS652

Authorities for Cybersecurity Aspects and Their Sub-Disciplines

The Computer Network Operations

Computer network operation refers to a broad term used a military concept that includes the methodologies, processes, and tools to gain, optimize, and utilize the strategic benefits from the computer networks. The CNO is tasked with the responsibility for enabling the military and civil-military organizations and even institutes to retaliate, defend, and protect against the computer network and other associated vulnerabilities and attacks (O'Leary, 2015). The CNO is mainly associated with computer networks for the government and military organizations that intend to safeguard the information systems and even carry out network attacks and exploitation against the enemies at the national level. CNO is

The Computer Network Exploitation

The computer network exploitation is tasked with the responsibility of enabling the computer networks to infiltrate, exploit, and sneak a target or enemy network for the sake of removing confidential information (Larson, 2009). The CNE refers to a technique where the computer networks are utilized to infiltrating the target computer network and to gather and extract intelligence information at the national level. The CNE enhances the exploitation of the individual computer networks particularly for an external organization to gather any confidential or sensitive data. Such forms of data are often kept protected or hidden from the public outreach. The CNE is mainly used in the military organizations and institutes.

The Computer Network Attack

The computer network attack is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that computer network is designed and execute the network attacks against the enemy or target computer and even networks. The computer network attacks have helped a great deal in changing the profession of arms. Ideally, the CAN often attain the impact of the computers that was previously achieved through physical destruction (O'Leary, 2015). However, the main challenge of the responsibility of the CAN at the national level is the fact that it operates outside the observable domain for the described laws of the armed conflict. It is for this reason that the CAN helps to address the laws of its effects.

The Computer Network Defense

The computer network defense is tasked with the responsibility of responding to the network intrusions, exploitations, and attacks often done by either the malicious users or enemies. The computer network defense refers to a set of protective measures and processes that utilize the computer network to defend, analyze, protect, monitor, and detect against the network infiltrations that results to network or service disruption, degradation, and denial (Larson, 2009). In essence, the CND allows the military organization or institute to retaliate and defend against the network attacks often perpetrated by the adversarial or malicious computer network and systems.

Regulatory Laws on the Internet Content

Policing of the internet has helped mitigate any forms of crime proliferation in this digital platform. Few clicks and content travel far to areas of the network system. However, the United States has provided censorship of certain types of content. There has been legislation of laws that limit freedom of speech constitutionally thus preventing any attempts of going against a person’s individual rights. Some of these laws include the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), Federal wire Fraud Statute, Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 and the Electronic Communications Act. The CFAA forbids the transaction of any codes intended to damage computer networks, to include obtaining access though unlawful means and unlawful purposes. The Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 seeks to punish the production, dissemination, and receipt of any content depicting sexual content involving children. These laws allows social sites to suspend or delete in some cases accounts of individuals who infringe the stated laws.

Pros and Cons of the Regulatory Laws

Essentially, the internet acts as a data bank of valuable information required daily by humans. The regulatory frameworks minimize threats that are caused by terrorist activity. Regulating the internet has put a stop to activities linked to social unrest and racial hatred. Moreover, child pornography which is fed by mentally sick individuals has come to the rescue of such abuses inflicted on children. The regulatory frameworks against cybersecurity have helped protect businesses from any forms of fraud or defamatory activities. The free material has seamlessly faced banning through the anti-piracy laws. Such laws help protect valuable owners of contents from copyright issues. However, proponents against these laws site concern towards regulation of the free flow of information. Information withheld from the public helps cover up for forms of abuse and illicit activity. Moreover, they believe that information not easily accessible can still be attained through proxy servers allowing one to access information through a different software.

Securing Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties in the Internet World

The digital footprint is constantly growing. However, to protect the privacy and liberties of citizens the US government had to come up with measures. Cyber-attacks on the industrial systems can cause a threat to human lives. These forms of risks are a terror to many of the internet users. Risks are in all aspects of the internet. The major conclusion among the legislators is towards protection of rights of Americans. The Americans need protection from intrusions by authorized persons to their personal data. The public officials should not have access to private information such as bank records and internet data. In addition, internet providers are mandated to have secure systems that boast security frameworks towards their clients. It is important for an organization to stay on track with the current software that boasts of current security frameworks. Effective security management frameworks help develop the effective information security management system.

Congress is given the authority to enact legislation to enact laws that prompt telephone and internet provide the mandate to disclose to the public general information that provides the information to the government. Steps are taken to protect the citizens’ privacy to promote human dignity (Liberties, 2008). A heavy policy approval system is required to meet the sensitivity of certain intelligence requirements. The legal system is based off fundamental premises of adversarial presentation of competing views. Moreover, the Senate is strengthened with the independent of creating a strengthened and independent civil liberties and privacy protection board. The role of such an agency is to provide foreign information on counterterrorism whenever they have implications for civil liberties and privacy.

Challenges of the Internet

In embracing of technology, the modern world has evidently come up with sets of new avenues for criminals to exploit. The threat of cybercrime remains pertinent to national security, especially in the private sector. The national government has developed measures to try combat cybercrime in collaboration with private companies. The development of critical infrastructure, under the control of private companies, is vital in compromising national security. The national government under the laws is obligated to safeguard national security. Government intervention not only cut across the forms of regulations; enforcement of those regulations but also requires effective measures to be constituted. There is a necessity for the private sector to team up with various government bodies and agencies in creating strategic plans for policies that govern cybersecurity (Shostack, 2014).

Why Information Sharing Can Be Positive or Detrimental To Your Particular Business

Information within any organization is important, and thus there is a need to ensure that there is better management where it is possible to achieve an improved commitment. Many organizations have put in place information management policy, which governs information that is shared among individuals. The regulations that are put in place are based on critical understanding of the sensitivity of information within an organization and the need to ensure that it is protected. Different organizations have different measures, which help in managing information (Çakmak et al., 2015).

Sharing information within the company is very detrimental to the company’s abilities to capitalize on the weakness of rival companies. The information that is considered in this case is susceptible thus should be based on a strategic development of a broader information management system away from individuals who are likely to expose the company to significant market risks (Çakmak et al., 2015). Information sharing is limited to company employees. The reasons why the company has sought to develop information sharing regulation policy included the sensitivity of company information and the need to maintain high levels of integrity and trust among employees within the organization. The company depends on information to implement essential strategies, which aid in integrating critical systems that help reach a higher degree of corporate success. Information is based on fundamental processes that the company has put in place to help improve the company performance within the highly competitive industry (Srivastava et al., 2018).

Reasons and Assumptions

Organization and developing strategic measures require useful understanding on better elements, which focus on building a highly diverse knowledge on the existing risks within health information management thus it is a very complicated process ensuring that there is an understanding on fundamental concepts that define positive change (Dolev et al., 2016).

Security Protocols that must be Considered to Migrate to an IP-Based System

Migrating from traditional system to IP based system is a process that integrates essential processes, which provide a critical focus on crucial elements that define a successful focus on the extensive changes in the network, which contain vital concentrate on service positioning. The immigration to IP based system is critical in determining an improved security focus. The interconnection is an essential security protocol, which outlines essential processes that need to be considered in determining a greater emphasis on critical elements that shape the adoption of the new system. The evaluation of hardware and software consideration outlines essential processes, which help in defining a strong focus on critical concepts that represent a successful migration (Whitmore et al., 2015).


Çakmak, V., Aktan, E., Aslan, M. M., & Köse, A. (2015). The Formation of Knowledge and Its Active Utilization in Practices of Public Relations in Organizations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 2647-2652.

Dolev, S., ElDefrawy, K., Lampkins, J., Ostrovsky, R., & Yung, M. (2016, August). Proactive Secret Sharing With a Dishonest Majority. In International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (pp. 529-548). Springer, Cham.

Larson, E. (2009). Understanding commanders' information needs for influence operations. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Liberties, C. (2008). Privacy, Civil Rights.

O'Leary, M. (2015). Cyber Operations: Building, Defending, and Attacking Modern Computer Networks. Apress.

Shostack, A. (2014). Threat modeling: Designing for security. John Wiley & Sons.

Srivastava, A., Chauhan, A. S., Gupta, S., Gautam, A., & Kaur, G. (2018). Malware Detection Using Online Information Sharing Platforms and Behavior-Based Analysis.

Whitmore, A., Agarwal, A., & Da Xu, L. (2015). The Internet of Things: A Survey of Topics and Trends. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(2), 261-274.