Template:- Introduction- Synthesize- Analyze- Evaluate- ConclusionEthical drivers, as noted in Johnson, C. E. (2016), chapter 10, are factors that play a particularly significant role in promoting or

Brooks Deterline TEDX transcript 00:16 so I got an email last week from the 00:19 conference organizer said good news 00:21 you're going after Van Jones and I 00:26 thought in whose alternate universe is 00:28 it a good thing to fo llow then and then 00:31 I remembered I'm here to talk about 00:33 courage our ability to act from our 00:38 hearts in the face of fear and courage 00:41 as a skill that we can build with 00:43 practice so thank you for this 00:46 tremendous opportunity to practice first 00:50 let's take a look at what does life look 00:52 like without courage the Enron fraud is 00:55 the story of synergistic corruption 00:58 there are supposed to be checks and 01:00 balances in the system the lawye rs are 01:02 supposed to say no the accountants are 01:04 supposed to say no the bankers are 01:06 supposed to say no but no one who was 01:08 supposed to say no said no so has 01:11 anything changed in the last 10 years 01:12 and please raise your hands w hen you've 01:15 had enough 01:24 yeah me too and it doesn't have to be 01:27 this way one of the people in these 01:30 circumstances had the courage and the 01:33 skills to act on their values in the 01:35 face of fear I met a man who did in 01:38 exactly one of those types of 01:40 circumstances 01:41 we'll call him Ted he found an illegal 01:44 trading ring in his department and he 01:47 didn't know what to do so he did nothing 01:49 and as the days passed and the stress 01:52 built he decided he would have to quit 01:55 he confided in his friend in another 01:58 department and his friend said to him if 02:00 you went into the system could you find 02:03 the program and Ted said yes and his 02:07 friend said then you have no choice and 02:09 what ted says as he was reminded of who 02:13 he was of his values in that moment 02:16 reflected by his friend so he came 02:19 forward and justice prevail I had my own 02:23 subtle experience with powerful 02:25 situations I was working for a company 02: 27 and I found out the CEO was doing 02:30 something unethical and illegal so I 02:33 called a meeting with my boss the CFO 02:36 and his other direct reports in a 02:38 scenario that looks shockingly like this 02:41 stock photo and went to deliver the new s 02:46 and I knew he would struggle although a 02:48 very ethically driven man the CEO was 02:52 also a good friend of his 02:53 so I delivered the news and he looked at 02:56 me and he said I think we should do some 03:00 more research and give it a little time 03:02 I was so dumb struck by the answer that 03:05 everything went into slow motion like it 03:07 did when I was a kid playing soccer and 03:09 I looked around and everyone has her 03:13 head down or is slowly noddi ng and I was 03:17 so perplexed I know these people they're 03:21 good people and the last thing you want 03:24 to do is put more time between when you 03:27 know and when you say in a circumstance 03:29 like this 03:32 so I was confused but the humbling part 03:36 of the story for me is then my thought 03:38 process goes to maybe we don't have to 03:42 do anything maybe it isn't such a big 03:45 deal 03:46 I don't even have to say anything and 03:49 then I was given a gift the CFO was 03:53 called out of the room for a minute and 03:55 in that moment I remembered this is one 03:59 of those moments this man hired me 04:02 because he believed in me he believed I 04:05 would do my job and act on our shar ed 04:08 values when it was hard so he came back 04:12 into the room I stepped back into time 04:14 and I said we should go to the board and 04:17 he paused and he looked at me and he 04:21 nodded and we did but what I will never 04:25 forget is that I am and we all are 04:30 vulnerable to situational influence all 04:33 the time 04:34 it's just natural human wiring this from 04:38 our founder dr. Phil Zimbardo we found 04:41 this out in 1971 when he conducted the 04:44 famous Stanford P rison Experiment that 04:46 showed that even the most ethical and 04:48 compassionate among us can easily betray 04:51 our values in the face of challenging 04:53 situation I won't make you raise your 04:55 hands for this one but think back over 04:57 the last six months how many of you have 05:00 been in a situation where you thought 05:01 someone should do something or I should 05:05 I should say something and think of the 05:07 subtle ones because those are often the 05:09 ones that get us and you an d no one else 05:12 it did anything 05:14 it's natural as a natural human tendency 05:17 to be a bystander to follow a leader or 05:20 a group that we know is doing something 05:23 wrong for a sense of acceptance or sense 05:25 of security the good news is we get to 05:30 choose but it's first it's even harder 05:39 for us in business to do the right thing 05:42 research out of Harvard on ethical 05:44 fading shows that when we're focused on 05:47 operational objectives and you throw 05:49 pressure on top sound familiar the 05:52 ethical implications of our acts will 05:54 fade from our minds pay attention when 05:58 people say this is business find out 06:01 what they mean when they say that so now 06:04 the good news is we get to choose 06:09 between stimulus and response there is a 06:12 space and our work is about using that 06:16 space to get us to reconnect to our 06:20 values to your hearts to our natural 06:21 wisdom to act courageously the kids in 06:26 our program call it the magic pause 06:28 button the way we do that is we use 06:31 something called social fitness training 06:33 it was developed over 25 years by dr. 06:36 Lynn Henderson and the great news about 06:38 it is with practice we can actually 06:41 retrain our brains to override our 06:43 natural fear response to act 06:46 consistently from on our values in the 06:49 face of fear start to think the key 06:52 aspects of her work to remember start to 06:55 recognize your patterns where do you 06 :57 stand up easily and where do you not 06:58 once you know your patterns practice the 07:03 situations that scare you we call them 07:05 social flight simulations and just like 07:07 with pilots if you practice with some 07:09 level of fear it creates the muscle 07:12 memory so that when the actual moment 07:14 arises you can act in a way that you've 07:17 practiced you start to use that shot of 07:20 fear or adrenaline as your cue from 07:23 mindful action versus avoidance in 07:27 neuroscience they call it priming the 07:28 brain so how do we foster these 07:32 ethically courageous corporate cultures 07:35 become a pattern interrupter start to 07:38 interrupt your own patterns create your 07:40 own pause button create it for yo ur 07:42 teams in your organizations I think if 07:45 we we can all agree if we look at the 07:48 challenges facing our economic system 07:50 our political system and the world at 07:52 large we're going to need a bigger pause 07:54 button 07:55 what I also know by our work is that 07:57 we're all born with the innate capacity 08:00 for courage it's a choice one I hope 08:04 we'll all make and it matters thank you