Create Release version with references. (Use attachment of documented results of the test plan to ensure sufficient quality for release). Use other attachments for additional background information.**

Checkout/Payments system for Online Store

Test Plan

Description of the Test Plan (Mihajlović and Velašević, 1998)


This test plan is oriented for testing the checkouts process of the online store. The testing of successful working of this business process is aimed for validating the designed system so that any errors or bugs in the process can be eliminated before its final release.


The additional knowledge about the designed system can be gained by accessing its document that comprises of all the details regarding the development of the system. The prototype of the system is also available in the form of a document. Moreover the Alpha and Beta versions of the systems also give appropriate information regarding the development and working of the system.

Test Items

The items included in the test plan can be listed as follows:

  • Internet Browser

  • Valid Internet connection

  • Official website of Online Store

  • Registered user account on the website of store

  • Online paying service account

Features to be Tested

The test plan is aimed at testing the successful transaction that is made after user purchases some items/services from the online store. The feature of validating the registered customers will also be tested in the test plan.

Features Not to be Tested

The feature of delivering the items to the assigned addresses of the customers will not be tested. Moreover the feature of shopping different items in the form of shopping cart will also not be tested during the test.


The testing will follow the black box approach in the form of automated procedures. This approach will be utilized owing to the fact that the inner details of the system which largely include the code have nothing to do with the testing phase (Bonifácio and Moura, 2017).

Items Pass/Fail Criteria

The passing criteria for the test will be the successful completion of the transactions made in the checkout/payment process of the online store.

Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

The testing will be suspended if the transaction does not complete successfully due to any bug or error in the system. The resumption of the test will require the same values of input so that the elimination of bug is validated efficiently.

Test Deliverables

The deliverables of the test are as listed follows:

  • Test plan

  • Test cases

  • Test script

  • Defect/Enhancement Logs

  • Test reports

Test Environment

The test will be performed on a computing device equipped with any internet browser that can efficiently access the official website of Online Store. Any member or members from the team of developers will also be present at the time of test along with the team of testing professionals.


The overall cost of the testing will be around $500 due to the hiring of testing teams. This cost can increase in case the test cases fail and testing is performed repeatedly.


The testing phase will complete in a time period of seven to ten working days. However this time period can exceed in cases more than expected errors are discovered as it will take time to eliminate the errors and perform the testing again.

Staffing and Training Needs

The teams for testing will be hired on the basis of their expertise and market recognition. Moreover the staff of the online store will also be trained on how to administer and monitor the transaction processes of the store. There will be special teams assigned with the task of updating the records of the online store.


It is the responsibility of the testing team to successfully implement all the test cases. Moreover the teams assigned with the role of administering the business process will be responsible for the efficient running of all the sub-process associated with the process of checkout/payment.


The process involving transactions is much critical as there are many incidents of scam taking place over the internet so there is a high level of associated risks. These risks must be kept in consideration by the management teams of online store.


The test plan must be approved by the following:

  • CEO of the Online Store

  • Head of the testing team

  • Head of the development team

Test Cases (Kan et al., 2014).

Test Case ID

Test Scenario

Test Steps

Test Data

Expected Results

Actual Results



Validating the user

  • Enter User ID


The user is validated successfully

The user is validated successfully


  • Enter password



Making payments

  • Purchase item

Purchase a Jean

Jeans is bought for $18

Jeans is bought successfully


  • Make payment

Pay $18


Updating records

  • Old values

15 Jeans available

One jeans is deducted from the jeans available

Initial number of jeans is 15 which is then changed to 14


  • New values

14 Jeans available

Criteria for release-level quality of the Project

The project must be fully working and operational without any errors at the time of release. Its quality must be competent enough to match the internationally implemented systems of its kind.

Summary of the test results

The results of the test have proved that the system designed is efficient enough to be released as all the test cases concluded successfully.

Project Evaluation and Review process

The evaluation of the project was done at each stage of its development in order to discover any errors that might have occurred during any phase of development. The processes used for requirements elicitation need some improvements due to the rapid advancement in the internet technology (Payne, 2017). Moreover the implementation phase of the project can be improved by involving more versatile software and hardware so that more devices can be utilized for accessing the designed system. The overall management of the project demands a more focused and keen participation of all the stakeholders that are directly or indirectly related to the project.


Bonifácio, A. and Moura, A. (2017). Test suite completeness and black box testing. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 27(1-2), pp.1622-1626.

Kan, H., Hu, J., Jin, L. and Zhang, L. (2014). A Minimal Test Cases Calculation Method for Software Trustworthiness Test. Journal of Software, 9(8), pp.103-109.

Mihajlović, Z. and Velašević, D. (1998). A knowledge‐based test plan generator for incremental unit and integration software testing. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 8(4), pp.191-211.

Payne, S. (2017). Project Feedback Loops: Visualizing Collection Evaluation Decisions. Serials Review, 43(3-4), pp.251-255.