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Document on Online Store’s Business Processes of Checkout/Payment

Receiving orders

The receiving of orders will be carried out in this process. Orders will be confirmed after the verification of customers and the payment modes. Users will have two options of paying the charges in the form of online payments and payments at the time of order delivery. The process of receiving orders will be completed in first stage of system development. This will also include the records of different customers and the information/data related to their memberships. The new users will be provided with the option of registering with the website by making their accounts. Such accounts will require a valid email address and payment account for which the verification emails will be sent to the respective email addresses for account activation.


The process of invoicing will involve the generation of invoices for the customer payments as well as the purchases made by the online store during the purchasing of its items from other online companies. The process of invoicing will follow the first phase of orders receiving and the cost of this phase is estimated to be more than the phase of orders receiving due to the involvement of different calculation algorithms. The generated invoices will be adjusted according to the size and dimensions defined for printable sheets of paper. The invoices related to the company purchases will require the validation from the accounts department for the purpose of which the department of accounts will be granted special access to the databases of company purchasing records.

Shipping of Goods and Services

This process will include the delivery of the items/services purchased or booked by the customers. The process will initiate after the verification of payments. The subsystems associated with the delivery of purchased goods will be completed in the third phase and will also involve a database for efficient storage of customer addresses and shipment records. This process will also include the receiving of un-delivered items/goods and the returns of payments after deduction of delivery charges. The change in the postal address of registered customers will be updated in their records by just simply logging in and editing the personal information.

Customer Relations

This will be the fourth phase which will include the processes related with the communication and interaction with the customers as well as registered users. The process of interacting with the customers in the form of feedbacks and marketing promotions will be performed under this business process of customer relations. This will also involve the domain of marketing of new products and promotions that will be communicated to all the customers at the official website of online store. The feedback collected from the customers will be further processed and communicated to the upper administration of company in order to be utilized in future business strategies and promotions.

Updating Employee Information

This process of the online store system will not deal with the customers or purchasing rather it will be related to the records and data of the staff employed by the online store. The options in this process will include the editing of the personal data of employees besides addition of new data records for new employees. This process will be completed at the last stage and will involve access to the databases containing records and data of store employees. This data will be both in the form of service histories and personal information of employees.

System Architecture required to Support the System (Walter H. Burkhardt, 1992)

The system architecture required to support the system is Integrated Information System Architecture. This architecture defines the platform for implementation of web-based large scale integrated systems similar to that of the online store. This architecture has two main components namely InteGRail Service Grid (ISG) and the Flexible Communication Adapter. The former is concerned with the smooth provision of online services and the latter controls and administers the communication between different channels involved in the online transactions.

Identification of all Subsystems that will be integrated in the Project

The subsystems that will be integrated in the project will be database systems, quality and testing systems, online support system, process management, memory management, and the maintenance systems. The subsystem of online transactions involving linkages to different banks and their database will also provide operational support to the whole integrated system of online store. The database of the system will be linked with the databases of different banks comprising of various security and data infringement checks.

Entity Relationship Diagram

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Required Interfaces between the Subsystems

The implementation of the subsystems associated with the database will require the TMT interface for communication with other subsystems. Other communication interface used will be the HTTP Protocol that will aid in the communication with online traffic on the official website of online store. The TMT interfaces will also be utilized for the communication and interaction among different databases of the system.

Target Business Process and the Design of the Subsystem to support the Process

The business process targeted in the system is of online payment/checkout system for an online store including the shipment of purchased goods/services to the customers. The subsystem designed to support this process includes a database where records of different customers and the items/services available are stored (Chen, 1980).

Moreover the system also has a mechanism dedicated for the verification and management of transactions that are performed at the customer’s as well as store’s behalf. This mechanism ensures the efficient as well as secure completion of business transactions involved in the system.


Project Plan for Online Store’s Business Processes of Checkout/Payment

Project Schedule (Gantt chart) (Ong, Wang and Zainon, 2016).

The project will be completed in six different stages and the total time period required for successful completion of all these phases is eight weeks that is highlighted along with the stages in following Gantt chart.

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Project Budget

The estimated budget for the whole project is three thousand dollars ($3000). This cost comprises of costs related to design, development, training, testing, deployment, maintenance and other costs. These costs are described shortly in the following paragraphs.

Design Costs

The design will be made by a team of designers which will be hired separately for this. A normal team of professional designers charge three to four hundred dollars so a cost of $350 can be estimated for the design.

Development Costs

The process of development will comprise of the team of developers which has the major task of developing the whole system by integrating different sub-systems. This team will be involved in the project more than any other team which also makes this stage the most costly stage of whole project. The estimated cost for this phase will range from eight to nine hundred dollars ($800-$900).

Training Costs

This will comprise of the cost on imparting training to the staff of online store. The training will be conducted on off day for which the staff will be paid. So the paying of extra amount to staff will make the cost of this phase rise. The estimated cost of training is five hundred dollars.

Testing Costs

A separate team will be hired for the purpose of testing the whole integrated system. A general estimation of this phase’s cost is three hundred dollars. A margin of two hundred dollars is reserved for the case where some error or bug is disclosed and needs immediate eradication.

Deployment Costs

This will include the deployment costs which comprises of hardware procurement and installation in different domains of the online store. The overall estimated cost of this stage is seven to eight hundred dollars ($700-$800).

Maintenance Costs

This will include the cost on the maintenance and up gradation of the system which can be estimated to be two hundred dollars that also includes the procurement of different anti-virus software.

Other Costs

The other costs might include the project delay costs or absence of workforce in uncertain cases of leaves and other holidays. An amount of hundred dollars can be estimated for this category of other costs.

Identification of High Risk Areas in the Project (Ward, 1998)

The areas of high risk present in the project are of stakeholders’ management and secure completion of different transactions.

Suggested Measures to Address the Risk Areas

The issue of stakeholders’ management can be address by increasing the trust and confidence of the stakeholders in the company. The company should regularly amend its business policies and strategies based on the opinions and interests of all potential stakeholders related to the business. The issue of making the transactions secure can be addressed by using different security mechanisms and algorithms that prevent the illegal access to private files of the system. This can also be achieved by using certain internet protocols defined for secure online business transactions.


Burkhardt, W. and Rust, S. (1992). Integrated computer architecture development system. ACM Sigarch Computer Architecture News, 20(2), p.439.

Chen, C. (1980). The uncoupling criteria for subsystem seismic analysis. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 57(2), pp.245-252.

Ong, H., Wang, C. and Zainon, N. (2016). Integrated Earned Value Gantt Chart (EV-Gantt) Tool for Project Portfolio Planning and Monitoring Optimization. Engineering Management Journal, 28(1), pp.39-53.

Ward, S. (1998). Practical risk assessment for project management. International Journal of Project Management, 16(2), p.130.