Create Release version with references. (Use attachment of documented results of the test plan to ensure sufficient quality for release). Use other attachments for additional background information.**

Development and Deployment Plan for the Project

Formal Implementation Methodology

The formal implementation methodology adopted for the project is the Agile Implementation Methodology that is designed for coping up with the complexities of modern software projects. This methodology allows the software projects to be designed and implemented in a more efficient as well as flexible manner. Agile Implementation Methodology involves taking the change requests into consideration to a large extent so that the response to new requirements that emerge during the implementation of the project can be given (Jayashree and Babu, 2014). The set of objectives is not framed precisely and completely in the initial phases of the project life span owing to the fact that it should be framed over a longer period of time. This long period of time is preferred in order to work in the incremental cycles of the evolving customer requirements for providing effective software solutions.

Pro and Cons of the methodology

Pros of the Agile Implementation Methodology

The Agile Implementation Methodology has following advantages:

  • Customers get solutions to their requirements in an early period of time.

  • Stakeholder associated with the project can prioritize their interests in a much more progressive fashion in accordance with the real market conditions.

  • The developers as well as implementers of the project feel valued as they work on such tasks that actually matter and are also able o receive valuable feedback from the testers and end users of the product (Kim, 2016).

  • The methodology also provides greater flexibility in releasing the product features along with faster cycles of customer reviews.

Cons of the Agile Implementation Methodology

The Agile Implementation Methodology has following disadvantages:

  • The largest con of the Agile Implementation Methodology is that most of the users are unable to understand the meaning of Agile which results in unsupported assumptions about the methodology.

  • Another disadvantage associated with the agile implementation methodology is that lack of formal training and understanding coupled with the flexibility provided by it results in the engagement of teams in bad behaviors and makes them to adopt dysfunctional choices (Kim, 2016).

Similarities and Differences between the Formal Methodology and the way of working for Project

Similarities: The similarities between the formal agile methodology and the way of working adopted for the project are as follows:

  • The formal agile methodology and way of working adopted for the project both start from the requirement gathering phases.

  • The formal agile methodology and way of working adopted for the project both involve customer interactions in the form of feedbacks that are given due attention

  • The formal agile methodology and way of working adopted for the project both have to go through the phase of testing for the purpose of discovering and eliminating errors if any.

Differences: The differences between the formal agile methodology and the way of working adopted for the project are as follows:

  • The formal agile methodology prefers individuals and interactions while the way of working adopted for the project prefer processes and tools.

  • The formal agile methodology involves working software unlike way of working adopted for the project that involves comprehensive documentation procedures.

  • The Agile way of work involves responding to change rather as compared to way of working adopted for the project which follows a strict plan (Altameem, 2015).

Discussion of the Development Cycles for the Project (work in each cycle, problems encountered, how the problems were addressed)

Initiation: The work involved in the initiation cycle of the development was of requirement gathering and contract finalizations. The problems encountered were of ambiguous requirements that were addressed with the help of professional requirement gathering teams.

Planning: The work involved in the planning phases was of planning the time and budget associated with the project. The problems encountered were of budget variations that were addressed by utilizing effective budget framing tools.

Execution: The work involved in the execution phase was of implementing the projects. There were no problems encountered during this phase.

Closure: The work involved in the closure phase was of delivering the final form of the project. There were no problems encountered during this phase.

Deployment of the Project

The project will be deployed on the official website of the Online Store where it will be integrated with the other business processes associated with the Online Store. It will be deployed after the successful completion of testing phase (Huin, 2004).


Altameem, E. (2015). Impact of Agile Methodology on Software Development. Computer and Information Science, 8(2).

Huin, S. (2004). Managing deployment of ERP systems in SMEs using multi-agents. International Journal of Project Management, 22(6), pp.511-517.

Jayashree, K. and Babu, S. (2014). Implementation of Embedded Agile Methodology. International Journal of Computer Applications, 87(11), pp.30-34.

Kim, t. (2016). Software development project management using Agile methodology. The Journal of the Institute of Internet Broadcasting and Communication, 16(1), pp.155-162.