Create Release version with references. (Use attachment of documented results of the test plan to ensure sufficient quality for release). Use other attachments for additional background information.**

Beta Version of the Online Store’s Checkout/Payment business process

The Visual Interface (Tanaka & Ichikawa, 1988)

The visual interface of the Store’s checkout process has navigation that provides all the available options to the user/customer. The user can shop and pay online by accessing the official website of the store. There is also a tab named as about in which the user can get all the information related to the store and the available products/services. The interface has been designed according to the principles laid by the HCI domain of software development so that the users can get a friendly experience while using the website. The links to major options are placed at the top in a horizontal row which eliminates the need to use navigation slide bar and makes the website experience more pleasant.

Create Release version with references. (Use attachment of documented results of the test plan to ensure sufficient quality for release). Use other attachments for additional background information.** 1

Functionality with the Database for the Project (J.Banerjee, D.K.Hsiao, & F.K.Ng, 1980)

import java.util.*; // java library initialization

class hashtablecl{ // query for hash table creation

public static void main(String args[]){ // start of main

Hashtable ht=new Hashtable(); // constructor initialization

Enumeration names; // enumeration used for storing the online store’s products in tables of database

String str; // string declaration

double bal; // type declaration of balanace

ht.put("A",new Double(32.25)); // addition of online store items in the database

ht.put("B",new Double(23.45)); // addition of online store items in the database

ht.put("C",new Double(-25.45)); // addition of online store items in the database

names =ht.keys();

while(names.hasMoreElements()){ // condition introduced using the while statement


System.out.println(ht.get(str)); // command to system for printing information



bal=((Double)ht.get("Ram")).doubleValue(); // balance calculated using this query

ht.put("Ram",new Double(bal+200));

System.out.println("new balance:"+ht.get("Ram")); // output query

names =ht.keys();yt\


str=(String)names.nextElement(); // displays the list of all elements in order


} // end of while loop condition


} // end of main

// for creating database tables

create table reg (usrid varchar2(10) constraint uid_pk primary key,pwd varchar2(10) not null,

hque varchar2(20),hans varchar2(10),fname varchar2(10) not null,lname varchar2(10) not null,

dob date not null,add varchar2(10) not null,city varchar2(10) not null,pin number(6) not null,

state varchar2(10) not null,country varchar2(10) not null,ccname varchar2(10) not null,

ccno varchar2(10) not null,email varchar2(30) not null);

create table items (tno number(4) constraint tno_pk primary key,title varchar2(10) not null,

dop date not null,subject varchar2(10) not null,pname varchar2(10) not null,nocs number(3) not null,

rate number(7,2)not null);

create table bill (cdno number(4) constraint cdno_pk primary key, type varchar2(1) not null,

title varchar2(10) not null, dor date not null, artist1 varchar2(10) not null,artist2 varchar2(10) not null,

nocs number(3) not null, s1 varchar2(10) not null,s2 varchar2(10) not null, rate number(7,5) not null);

create table adress(ino number(4) constraint hino_pk primary key,iname varchar2(10) not null,

make varchar2(50) not null, rate number(7,2) not null); // table for storing the address of customers

create table shippment (ino number(4) constraint sion_pk primary key,iname varchar2(10) not null,

make varchar2(50) not null);

create table cart (usrid varchar2(10) constraint cuid_pk primary key, // table for user id

ino number(4) not null,iname varchar2(10) not null,

qty number(2) not null, rate number(7,2) not null);

Code for the Project

import*; // initializing input and output for java Library

import java.sql.*; // initializing SQL

import javax.servlet.*; // initilaizig servlet

import javax.servlet.http.*; // initializing online servlet over http

public class chkout extends HttpServlet // checkout class created

{ // class body starts here

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOException


Connection con; // connection generation

Statement stmt;

ResultSet rs;


PrintWriter pw=res.getWriter();


{ // class for the customer data like name



//pw.println("Connection Established and Driver Loaded");


String qry="select * from cart"; // cart selected by the customer for adding items


//pw.println("Statement Prepared and Executed...");

pw.println("<pre><b><font size=6>"+"\t\t\t"+"<u>"+"BILL"+"</pre></u></b></font>");

//pw.println("<form action=\"http://localhost:8080/servlet/addcart\" method=post>");

pw.println("<br><font size=4><b>"); // font size of 4 selected

pw.println("<pre>"+"ITEM NAME\t\t\tQUANTITY\t\tRATE\t\tVALUE"+"</pre></font></b>"); // for printing customer items’ data on screen like ITEM, NAME, QUANTITY, RATE, and VALUE

while( //while condition for initialing the list


String t=rs.getString(1);

int len=t.length();


String s=" ";s=s.concat(t);


for(int i=len;i<40;i++)





for(int i=len;i<8;i++) // for loop for length






for(int i=len;i<8;i++) // for loop executed for items list


int n1=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2));

int n2=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3));

int n=n1*n2; // variable n formula declaration



pw.println(s+"\t "+n);



int r=stmt.executeUpdate("delete cart"); // reset the cart option

pw.println("Now your cart is empty");

r=stmt.executeUpdate("update reges set flag='n' where flag='y'");

catch(ClassNotFoundException e){} // no record class

catch(SQLException e){}



{ if (con!=null) // if condition applied for null values


}catch(SQLException e){}}*/

} // program for SQL connection ends


String t=rs.getString(1);

int len=t.length();


String s=" ";s=s.concat(t);


for(int i=len;i<40;i++) // limits of loop defined in this command





for(int i=len;i<8;i++) // for loop for length

s=s.concat("."); // command for concatenation of values





for(int i=len;i<8;i++) // for loop executed for items list


int n1=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2));

int n2=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3));

int n=n1*n2; // variable n formula declaration


/*s=s.concat(String.valueOf(n)); // concatenation of string values

pw.println(s+"\t "+n);



int r=stmt.executeUpdate("delete cart"); // to reset the cart option

pw.println("Now your cart is empty"); // when the cart becomes empty

r=stmt.executeUpdate("update reges set flag='n' where flag='y'");

}} // main program ends

External System Requirements (Maiden, 2008)

Hardware Requirements

The application designed can run on any hardware that has a RAM of minimum 128 Mb. The processor required must be of more than two cores with a clock speed equal to or more than 1 GHz. The hardware must be capable of supporting the online services over the internet and smooth access should be available to the online store’s website.

Software Requirements

The software required can be any web browser capable of accessing the official website of online store like Linux, Android, Windows or IOS. Moreover, the browser must be capable of supporting efficiently the online payment procedures that need high end security protocols. The software must also support networking of different web applications so that all the shopping and payment is done effectively without any bugs.

Key parts of the Application

The key parts of the application include a database for storing store items, database for storing data of customers, graphical user interface for providing customers with an interface, process of purchasing the items in the form of cart, payment procedures, and delivery option which stores the addresses of customers at which the products are to be delivered. These delivery services are provided in association with different courier services provider both nationally and internationally.


The current STATUS of the project is fully functional as the Alpha version is already released and now the Beta version with improved operations and less bugs is ready. The databases associated with the project are also completely functional and are in proper connection with the application. The testing phase is will be the next phase in order to discover errors or bugs if any.


Banerjee, J., Hsiao, D., & Ng, F. (1980). Database Transformation, Query Translation, and Performance Analysis of a New Database Computer in Supporting Hierarchical Database Management. IEEE Transactions On Software EngineeringSE-6(1), 91-109. doi: 10.1109/tse.1980.234466

Maiden, N. (2008). User Requirements and System Requirements. IEEE Software25(2), 90-91. doi: 10.1109/ms.2008.54

Tanaka, M., & Ichikawa, T. (1988). A visual user interface for map information retrieval based on semantic significance. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering14(5), 666-670. doi: 10.1109/32.6144